Native Son, absolutely in agreement. Our family have picked pieces of our house up (literally) and recovered from damage numerous times in the past. ...
Owning homes in "hurricane alley" should be a very sobering fact for everyone. As proven by the many hurricanes, Tropial Storms and so-called "Weathe...
JE, I'm smiling at your story. We went with the panels including installation. In June, we paid 50% of the $ and waited. Around October (after much...
I posted this June/2005. STT/Water Island. Lower level of the home which is ......3 8 ft. sliders, about 4 3 ft windows. There are different kinds ...
East end Doug: Someone on this Board provided link to a study done by University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources on Ra...
Cingular is the dominant carrier in USVI. There's pros & cons to retaining old State-side service or getting new island service. I tell you the best...
Perfect! With that description, I should be able to find the place to tie up with my eyes closed. Many thanks to Rich & AGV. P.S. to AGV, What ...
Ah! Same parking lot as McDonalds! Now I have a "visual" in my mind. I know where to go from least enough to "feel" my way ther...
I've only tied up to the tire store & commercial fisherman dock area which I think is just little past Frenchtown. I know where the Post Office docks...
THANK YOU STT Resident! YES! What is the end result for shipping the pet???
P William Taylor, it doesn't work that way in the USVI. Check out "What to Expect" and other featured categories on this web site.
O.k., and this may be out of bounds, but I gotta tell ya'....I am a homeowner from a distance. Granted, my husband can do anything - perfectly - acco...
I call from Florida, on my Cingular National Plan, to friends in STT and there are no additional charges for doing so.
And, some folks put a "hide-y hole" in their building plans. Self sufficient strong-hold where people and pets can hunker down & live during a hurric...
I'm having the same thought process as swhitey. (Though, I am in no way implying that "thought" would actually go into any guidelines having to do wi...
I just checked flights for a friend of mine who would be flying out of MCO in mid-March to STT. Spirit had round trip @ $474. American offered $379....
Just a small scrap of info re: Kon Tiki. One of their destinations was Honeymoon Beach. Water Island residents were none too keen on trash left on t...
In my experience, the story is not over the top for the USVI. Circumstances, situations, people.........when I read the book, I empathized, sympathiz...
Finished the book some time ago. Its a great read! Enjoy!
Ryan, you have come to the right place for guidance, experiences, etc. Spend some time perusing the "What to Expect" which has what you ask in your p...
Here's some links to some information you may find of interest:
Kenny, absolutely you can ship the scaffolding and other stuff but it will be considered a "separate" shipment and charged accordingly. Sliding g...
Thanks to everyone who responded with comments/ideas. One remaining subject I'd like to query: Anyone have any recommendations on STT place of busin...
Kenny, We decided to ship a truck though our decision was based on getting a truck to fit our specific requirements. Also, we undercoated, overcoated...