FL Barrier Islander
Honorable Member
Joined: March 22, 2005 11:53 pm
Topics: 67 / Replies: 434
Replies: 3
Views: 1074
Re: Packing list for shipping to VI

"How to determine the value?" For used goods, if it's small incidental items think of "garage sale" and estimate how many $1.00 / .25 items you have ...

7 years ago
Re: Packing list for shipping to VI

We always provide list of contents that includes description, quantity, price/value (or estimated value if used items/bundle of used household goods),...

7 years ago
Re: Sinkhole City

Governor Mapp, on his press conference last night, responded to question about plans to repair the roads. He said the asphalt companies sustained hea...

7 years ago
Re: WOW!

Well.......not quite the answer I wanted 😎 but I am so grateful for a clear and direct answer. Thank you so much!

7 years ago
Re: Status of Empire, Silk Greenery, Pricemart

Pricesmart did. Not sure about the others.

7 years ago
Re: WOW!

I was reading on Facebook this morning that there are towers that are restored on STT. Is BBVI going to post a map of the towers restored/not restore...

7 years ago
Re: Home Depot opening?

I've just read online the following excerpt from VI Daily News 4 days ago: "There's no estimate for when the Home Depot store on St. Thomas might re...

7 years ago
Re: Home Depot opening?

Question: I thought Home Depot building sustained significant damage. But, maybe that not true? Is Home Depot open for business? (Acknowledge curf...

7 years ago
Re: Difficulty of adding or enlarging a cistern on a house for sale?

We had a 5,000 gallon cistern collapse (concrete) and are now shopping replacement. Fortunately we had 2 but being down to 1 that was built out of sa...

8 years ago
Re: Difficulty of adding or enlarging a cistern on a house for sale?

Exit Zero, did you purchase from Tank Depot and they shipped to STT? Or, did you just have them deliver to port in FL and you handled getting it from...

8 years ago
Re: Difficulty of adding or enlarging a cistern on a house for sale?

In addition to the comments shared already, based on our research, cistern cost should be $1/gallon in most of the world including the continental US....

8 years ago
Re: Sad news

It is very sad and tragic loss. Water Islanders are mourning the loss of our friend and neighbor.

9 years ago
Re: Upholstery place in Gallows Bay

Do you have to provide the material or does Hilda @ Gallows Bay have a selection?

9 years ago

Wishing you swift recovery! Sending good thoughts across the ocean for healing and comfort!

9 years ago
Re: Renting a car - st croix visit

Confirming Alana33's post regarding age restrictions when vehicle offered with the accommodations. Different island but while we offer a vehicle with...

10 years ago
Re: building a cottage on STT

Well......I can imagine this suggestion is going to get me pummeled but have you considered buying a container? I know a few folks who have cut holes...

10 years ago
Re: Water Island living/moving

oh my. Dredging up relics from the past. Some things change. Most things stay the same at least for now. Water Island is bracing for big changes w...

10 years ago
Re: Sales Tax for VI?

Thank you for the 411!

10 years ago
Re: Sales Tax for VI?

I'm not sure I understand this thread. Isn't "duty free shopping" one of the incentives and one of the key marketing points that bring tourists to US...

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone have a driveway made from tailings?

We used to have a marl driveway. Best when the drive is fairly flat. We did have a pile of it to fill in holes from time to time. Not sure if marl ...

10 years ago
Re: Dinghy Rental

Good idea. How could I forget about Offshore Marine??? lol. Thanks!

10 years ago
10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1173
Re: Refinery Sold, per Senator Nelson

To address the Veolia discussion in earlier posts. Here's a URL:

10 years ago
Re: seurity camera system ?

Just a follow-up on my experience with IRIS system. The camera works well. The door sensors generally work reliably except for the one down, down be...

10 years ago
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