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Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: December 11, 2018 9:31 am
Topics: 16 / Replies: 233
Re: shipping my car

Who Knows everyone.... Dreams do come true! We're working on a lot of stuff right now. Some of it I can't even talk about. All I know is this dream...

21 years ago
Re: shipping my car

We'll be keeping you all in mind for anything that turns up. The one disappointing thing I've found out so far is there is no real land with the prop...

21 years ago
Re: shipping my car

I think thats a great name. Hopefully we will all meet up one of these days. It would be fun to sit and talk. Besides all I'll have to do is call M...

21 years ago
Re: Building a home in STX

Sam, Have you checked out the viphonebook.com website. You can get a lot of info and start making calls for this.

21 years ago
Re: shipping my car

Hey PH My husband Mark is a Parachute Rigger for the F-16.

21 years ago
Re: American Airlines and PreMove

No kidding on that. Toledo express is closer and probably on the list but Detroit was first on the bazillion list. Mark and I just decided we are b...

21 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1030
Re: Opening a Checking Account by Mail

Stt, I just don't want to travel to St. Croix with thousand of dollars bulging from my pockets. It would be nice to have a little communication be...

21 years ago
Re: Opening a Checking Account by Mail

I'm having Mark open an account for us when he arrives in St. Croix next month so we can start wire transfers. My goodness, if you can open a darn a...

21 years ago

STT I'm slapping my knee

21 years ago
Re: Realtor Recommendations

I find you almost hate to complain because you know the community is small and you don't want to start out on a bad note. My uncle is a realtor in Pa...

21 years ago
Re: Vitelco & WAPA

If you order the settlers handbook (i would highly recommend) It gives a very accurate picture of the infrastructure of island living. It has a secti...

21 years ago

I don't believe tarantulas were mentioned in the settlers handbook... Yikes! I guess the trade off of not having poisonous snakes is scorpions and...

21 years ago
Re: Where to stay

Pink Fancy by far!! I can not recommend the pink fancy enough. The property is located on Prince st in C'sted STX. I was able to visit a lot of pl...

21 years ago
Re: pharmacies

Hip Crip, I'm glad to see there is another person/couple? that is as excited about StX as my husband and I. We hope to be there ourselves in the n...

21 years ago
Re: Realtor Recommendations

Without saying names, we've been very disappointed in how the realtors deal with us. The realtors we've talked too have seemed very very helpful at f...

21 years ago
Re: Citibank

As Islander would say: The usvi phonebook is the best source I find this very useful because I can go by many search methods such as by business,...

21 years ago
Re: street vendor/performer: rules/regulations/prospects?

This is actually the disappointing thing from my visit last week. I couldn't find a steel drum band to save my life on stx. Maybe asking the wrong p...

21 years ago
Re: Health insurance

Islander Do you have a website for the VI or Stx Chamber of Commerce. I know in toledo that is you are a small business owner or self employed and...

21 years ago
Re: work

In researching myself, I did see a tiki bar for sale on Stx. I believe it sold already because it is not in the current mls listings or the real est...

21 years ago
Re: shipping plants

When I went through customs (stx airport) last week 03/01, I was specifically asked about apples and Oranges, but not bananas.

21 years ago
Re: I'm back! Report on Stx (1)

Whoops, the storm was sunday 02/29 pm

21 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 828
Replies: 7
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