Honorable Member
Joined: August 26, 2008 1:46 pm
Topics: 133 / Replies: 571
Re: At least we aren't going to tip over!

Who is this guy? He has an Aussie accent, but he must be from another planet.

15 years ago
Re: At least we aren't going to tip over!

Some years ago, when my plane was preparing to land on Guam, the island appeared to be about the size of an aircraft carrier.

15 years ago
Re: Violation of Church/State separation

[I'm quite happy to see that two others have mentioned the Treaty of Tripoli and would recommend for further reading any of Jefferson's letters for th...

15 years ago
Re: Violation of Church/State separation

rotorhead, With all due respect you must reread the first amendment. The first line says "congress shall make no law...." any state or territory ...

15 years ago
Re: Violation of Church/State separation

When I was growing up in Philadelphia in the 1930s and 40s, "Blue Laws" prohibited, among other things, the showing of movies and professional sports ...

15 years ago
Re: Most Useful Degree

As a university professor, I attend many commencement ceremonies. One memorable event bears on jasaro's question. The graduates all sat in groups...

15 years ago
Re: Most Useful Degree

1. Engineering 2. Accounting 3. Marketing These are general areas with best job prospects. Whatever your major, minor in a foreign langu...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Re: chili cook off

Darn! I arrive STX April 11. Oh, well, as the Cubs fans say, there's always next year.

15 years ago
Re: Crucians.....I need brutal honesty

I always greet Keith. I asked him if he was a vet. I would have doubled my gift. Why not share a little? "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

15 years ago
Re: Heavily considering relocating...

Heather, Lots of good advice here. When I first visited St. Thomas many years ago, I felt the same as you. But it wasn't the right time. Now...

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

Sean, It's all about rights and the proper balance of rights among persons with different views. At our university in post-Soviet space, we have ...

15 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 925
Re: Fishing on St Croix

When I did my night dive off the F'sted pier, there were more fisherpersons there than I could count! They cautioned us not to get tangled in the...

15 years ago
Re: what do you think of the smoking ban

The general rule of torts and criminal law is that "My freedom to swing my fist stops at the tip of your nose." Literally, when I smoke in public, I a...

15 years ago
Re: Crucians.....I need brutal honesty

"I'll start off by saying that I have never been to the island." Linda and Paula have it right. I made three pre-move visits (PMV) before making ...

15 years ago
Re: I KNOW This ain't Mexico, but...

I've been using a British Berkefeld water filter for the past 7 years in Eastern Europe. As in VI, water quality varies by location. They are iss...

15 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1291
Re: type of boat should i be looking for?

You have lots of time to do the research, and there are plenty of web sites you can use and books you can read. I'm "in the same boat," so to spe...

15 years ago
Re: chocolate cake

I've seen some very attractive cakes at the STX supermarkets. Not at all expensive.

15 years ago

Can you say "ICCL" or 'ICIHICPCL"?

15 years ago
Re: Traffic ticket for talking on the phone

Citations for violating the motor vehicle code must show the section of the code alleged to have been violated. Does the ticket show such a section?

15 years ago
Re: Fess Parker has passed on

The Arness brothers (James Arness - Gunsmoke's Matt Dillon, and Peter Graves - Mission Impossible's Jim Phelps) are originally from Minnesota. James i...

15 years ago
Re: Directions to VI BIR

Great! Thanks! I hope the queue is not not too long on April 13!

15 years ago
Re: Teacher pay?

Same question about teacher pay for private schools on STX.

15 years ago
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