Eminent Member
Joined: January 15, 2008 12:41 pm
Topics: 9 / Replies: 40
Re: Here It Comes (Earl)!

Prayers from my wife and I to everyone down there...

14 years ago
Re: Koki beach shootout

I feel sickened and saddened by this tragic event. I don't think that the effects of this are over by a long shot. I lost a 16 day rental, they said...

14 years ago
Re: Koki beach shootout

Note from the beach today... We got there and a delightful woman named Kisha "helped" us park our scooter, walked us to and "helped" us get our c...

14 years ago
Re: Koki beach shootout

Well, my question was just answered... Another Carnival cruise liner JUST pulled into the harbor. I guess for now, at least with Carnival, the o...

14 years ago
Re: Koki beach shootout

Being "new" to the topic of how murders of cruise ship passengers can affect cruise lines choosing to call St. Thomas a "port of call", do you think t...

14 years ago
Re: Koki beach shootout

I feel fortunate... My wife and I had pulled up just as the police were shutting the beach down. We were held in an appt. by about 30 minutes this m...

14 years ago
Re: 23 days

Great news Ted! I hope it is everything you wish it to be!!!! Relax for 5 minutes in my name when you get there!!! Hooray! I bet this is g...

14 years ago
Re: Contemplating move to the VI.

I think that if you try out the search function, your questions will be answered in abundance. I'm kind of "new" in that I don't have a lot of posts,...

14 years ago
Re: We're Booked!!!

31 days and counting for my wife and I!!!! 9 days on STT and STJ!

15 years ago
Re: Just venting about not being there . . . yet.

I feel your pain. My wife and I have our move planned down to the penny and down to the hour but... Since the market tanked, we now have to wait...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Re: Anyone know the length of Lindburgh Bay on STT?

Mouth of the bay: .54 miles Mid-way and "skinniest" part: .39 miles Closer in to the "beach" and a bit wider than mid-way: .41 miles ...

16 years ago
Re: Interesting Lesson Learned...

I have to be honest in stating that the offended taxi driver was also rude, but I also have to give him credit in teaching me a lesson that I won't fo...

16 years ago
Replies: 49
Views: 3555
Re: STT Storage Unit Cost?

They will be just some of the items that will be shipped in a container on a ship.

16 years ago
Re: STT Storage Unit Cost?

Perfect! Thanks! I'll be shipping my construction tools down and not sure the studio we'll get will have enough room for them. Hmmm... College...

16 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1098
Re: STJ: Maho Bay Resort?

What is going to end up happening is we will end up moving down there, then the "real" job hunt begins. I have no fear of finding temporary work ...

17 years ago
Re: STJ: Maho Bay Resort?

I don't think I'll share your scorpion story with my wife!

17 years ago
Re: STJ: Maho Bay Resort?

Just what I was hoping to hear! We'll be renting a car, so that part is not a problem and we are not "late nighters" by any stretch of the imagin...

17 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1242
Re: Want to be a St. Thomas Resident!!!

This is just my "take" on the issue of work down there... My wife and I are planning the same thing you are so here it goes... We are ready, wil...

17 years ago
Re: Looking for island information

I don't know Jane... Last time I walked the beach, I was pretty darn humbled by some of the homes!!!! (Ah, some day we will have one of thos...

17 years ago
Re: Looking for island information

Teri: I hope this helps as it is my experience in the planning stage so far... I'm deciding on STT as I think it will offer me more security...

17 years ago
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