I have chickens and the sugar birds seem to flock to the chicks food more then the chickens do. So i don't think it alwasy has to be sugar. Also i ...
cagrace, call Marshall & Sterling Insurance and speak to Lionel Downer. He can give you a quick quote on life and health insurance. He was very he...
Contact Marshall & Sterling for alot of health and life insurance options. They seem to have the best.
Thanks Sabrina.......Was't it Antigua where the honey mooners were recently murdered? she was a dr. where isnt the crime getting bad? just goin...
I have used by debit card in states and here locally just like a credit card. easier to carry then cash. but yes make sure it has visa or mastercard...
Does anyone have any information on Antigua? Going there for thanksgiving and wanted to know what to avoid or see.
check out Bupa through Marshall and Sterling Insurance. Ask for Lionel Downer. Bupa use to be Amedex. They are about the only insurance you can ge...
Are you sure walmart ships here? i have been told they will but when i tried to order something last year i received an email back saying they will n...
They sure did. Buckeyes seem to "choke" alot these days. But made up for it by pounding northwestern. And of course the great loss penn had. poor...
Born in Mt. Vernon, but grew up in Granville. YES GO BUCKS ( they need all the get up and go they can get this year) WOW what is going on wit...
Call Marshall and Sterling for health and life insurance. Speak to Lionel Downer the agent. They have individual and group plans. the cost depends...
Good News.......Got my WAPA yesterday. Those line men do work hard. I think its people having generators hooked up wrong that makes extra work. sa...
Our house is two years old. The shutters and glass sliders seemed to not hold up like they should have. The shutters gave and the glass bowed , came...
I don't think we received a phone call from the governor. Of course we were outside prepping. no message on answering machine either. about time we...
The name of the bar in Granville where you hung out could have been "Brews". How long ago? Granville does not have many bars at all. There are sev...
Am also a Buckeye. We need to start a club so we can all get together to watch the Browns, Bengals, and Buckeyes. I am from the Central Ohio region...
By all means make sure you send it priority mail or it could take weeks or months to get here. worth the extra money to sent it Priority Mail.
We must also have tadpoles in cistern,cause we hear the frogs croak from inside cistern. Our house is brand new,so i dont know where they are coming ...
Centipedes seem to be the most scary things to worry about here. they can hide anywhere. I have just learned to check before i put things on or go ...