yes they check the eme. brakes. put brake on and rev engine. it has to hold. the guy who stands there checking must have a death wish
must have been some chicken that laid that egg bob
thanks swan, i waved last time and i think they waved back. bet they can spot easter eggs from up there.
the stores could open but no one buying. probably would cost them more to open (WAPA and pay staff ) then they would make in a day. i know i work in...
speedy.....MTmoore? can i be rhoda?? hehe
yea!!! remember when all we had was a woolworths here on st. croix? and it was awfulllllll. i try to stay away from kmart also but for something...
My prayers for Ben and his family. I have known them for years and such a lovely family.
if kmart closes then i know we are heading for bad times, I lived here before there was a kmart and the prices and choices were awful. we would hav...
speedy if you go call me. maybe stop ?
i heard kmart west was closing due to high WAPA bills. who the heck ever knows anything around here???
we wewnt out and looked also but didnt see anything last night. maybe the clouds blocked the view? when is the next time the SS flies over our are...
will wave and have the tiki torch burning to send smoke signals...
it was very cool. went on line and read about the ISS. interesting info. i never gave it much thought until i saw it last night. now i want a rid...
i saw it tonight!!!!! the first time. first we were looking at jupiter thinking that was it. only it didnt move. then saw the SS. WOW so neat ...
speedy i sat on a pede once and didnt see it. butt swelled, butt i know that has to be what it was. (it now has 1,000 broken legs):D
we just added on and still doing some remodeling. thank god for HD we had a better choice all in one location . and did it i am sure for a fracti...
what kind of area is mary's fancy. long time island resident but have always lived on the east end. but if you want to be closer to the hospital the...
yes juanita good luck on congrats on your new venture. looking forward to one myself but with the housing market here now not sure when...but hopeful...
will it effect st. croix?
the insurance they offer didnt even come close to the damage they did. and then they spouted some 1930's maritime law saying pretty much "these things...
could be "Purple Haze"
it was very small and yes i bet its because speedy wasnt there. lol we stayed in one spot but still didnt see near the people we usually see. o...
we have a horror story with oneils (crowley) cost us 5,000 in repairs that they caused.
we used pool so work, but have been here a long time. also self chlor great way to go and solar pump.