My husband actually repairs and main twins them, thankfully. Small consumer ones should work for a little bit at least until we figure out a space to ...
I'm willing to train the right people and at least employee more people on the island. I've ran the company with my husband for 4 years stateside so ...
STT sorry about that
My husband and I are moving with our 11 month old and 3 1/2 year old in 5 weeks. I run my own business online and my husband is a chef, we're making t...
Hi! Looks like we ar emoting around the same time! We are shipping our jeep as well from Miami and driving it from Utah. We read you can fill your car...
Is there any regulations on shipping cars? I read somewhere that you can't bring in a car older than 10 years old, and then freight companies won't in...
That's what I'm finding, the prices are super high for what they are. Now what type of car should we need for the island?
Thank you all for the location advice! We are looking at all informatoin for places, and have a possibity of doing one at the yacht area shops. ...
Thank you for the advice! We don't plan on selling our home in the states just yet, and will rent until we figure it out. Is the market there good? I'...
Hi Cody! I am as well moving down in oct/November. My husband and I are 27 and former pro skiers, but we dive and rock climb, snorkel and all of that ...
Thank you so much for the advice! We plan on now renting a house or place there for a year while we rent out ours here in the states. I will mor...
I'm just hoping a boutique business is viable on the island, and hopefully can employee some people as well!
they said the USVI is covered. Let's hope that remains the case if I ever need it!
No we are. We travel a lot so we have insurance that will cover us anywhere outside of the us- and its territories
More than likely we would move,then start the business after a year of living there to really feel out everything. And see more so what locals an...
We were thinking stt. Open to others. It wouldn't be just yoga clothes, more swim and clothing options too. We aren't high priced, so we would be able...