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Joined: November 17, 2007 6:15 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
Re: Free school supplies for STT teacher(s)

Cheryl, Good day! My wife Danielle just showed me your post about you moving to the island and offering some extra art supplie you have. That...

16 years ago
Re: computer geek needed stt

I used Computer S.O.S Plus. He came to my house and picked up my laptop fixed it and dropped it back off. His name is Akil and the number is 340-642...

16 years ago
Re: Is it better to buy a car on island or ship one there?

Does anyone have a standard car? We are thinking of shipping our truck, but it is a standard and we are worried about all the steep roads. Its eit...

17 years ago
Re: Saving for the move

Thanks so much to everyone who responded! All your advice has been much appreciated. I have been reading through the the what to expect stories and t...

17 years ago
Replies: 12
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