As an aside, if those bikers would put decent mufflers on their machines, maybe people wouldn't have such a negative response to them. A short ti...
Looks like Kmart(unless someone can beat $18). Where do you get Kmart coupons? Thanks to everyone here for your input!
Neil, where is he St George Botanical Gardens? My guess STX as I never herd of it(could be wrong). I saw a ad in the Daily News, was going to atte...
Is the screen blue like there is no input? Or, is there just a black screen? Do you here a click like a relay is engaging? I'm NOT a t.v. repair...
If you do work & are reliable, your needed!
I agree antiqueone, & I forwarded it to my freind, a surgical doctor in California(who also agrees).
I'm w A Davis on this in that I just can't understand why anyone would litter such a beautiful place?? I don't get it. It's one thing to be rude t...
Small probem? Normally here it's the power supply & WAPA took it out with a surge/brownout. Does it turn on?
Does anyone know about or done business with Top of the Line shipping company? We just got a quote to ship our Chevy Venture out of Port Everglades fo...
"reasonably priced and competent" is a oxymoron. What do you consider reasonably priced? Not arguing, just wondering.
And then there's Miller, didn't have to pay back anything in the end(correct me if I'm wrong): Former USVI hospital CEO and attorney ordered t...
SHH, I'm trying to get interesting responses)
Or maybe the immigrants will boycott Caucasian business there(this happened in Texas, here's the link: The Boycott is a success!
Everyone is already required to provide proof of identity when asked by a cop. Cops have the discretion to choose the folks from whom they want to see...
Hey piaa -- The news about Sam's Club possibly shipping here next year is interesting. It's as close to Walmart as the VI is likely to get. Thanks f...
Dear President Obama, How about some Third World Debt Forgiveness for the USVI? Signed, People who aren't allowed to vote for you. Or...
Borrow. Borrow. Borrow! This will be the path to death. Look at Greece! Nothing living above your means. But sooner or later you will need to pay. And...
Well, we can finally agree on something! I did mistake you for the original poster as you pointed out. My mistake, my apologies to marunner! And...
I didn't know about the Arizona part(was that mentioned)? Linda is right, Customs is easy, if the VIN starts with a 1 or 4 it`s free. IRB for...
FDR, You'r twisting my statement to what it's not. I don't think you understand. You asked about ridding conditions, my comment to your origi...
Is the topsy -turvey thing just a planter, upside down? Works well w/ tomatoes here? I just can't get the tomoato or sweet pepper thing right... ...
I grew up poor and went to some horrible schools. That being said after seeing the public schools here there was so way I was sending my 3 kids to pu...
What is the bluebook for a 1990 Jeep? If it were newer, it would be a no-brainer. If it helps, expect to pay around $1500 for shipping & road tax.
DUN, what idiotic behavior. Throwing rocks in traffic, really??? People doing dumb stuff like that is what makes nonriders hate bikers. Thanks for ...