Sounds great, I`m sure it will be a good time!(tu) (tu)
Are you not used to Island customer service Juanita? Sounds sort of standard to me... Perhaps STX Ihop has a racial section as well, & you were se...
"Ideally something I could charter/rent 2-3 times a month for either a day (meaning without overnight sailing) or may be 2 days each. Size does not ma...
Sapphire Village is on the east end, the hospital is central, southside(why did you rent so far away?). The ultimate solution, would be if another n...
the history and culture of this place is based upon people loving each other without consideration for skin color. like stxem, i recognize that there...
CAtoSTX I am as of yet unfamilar with that set of Rules, but I presume that you are referring to the fact that every licensed attorney in VI is...
Thanks, I almost missed it! Been going for years. I get at least 1 plant there every year. There is a dollar fee for getting in, but one year...
Do NOT use ANY home owners insurance that uses Crawford VI for claims adjusting(just ask who does the claim adjusting). As you will not be paid on a...
Yup, GBH is great in STX! Of course, when I`m shoppijng there it`s with someone elses $$, so I`m not really looking at that. Just trying to get `...
To rehash, The taxis pay little or no taxes, have tremendous political power(votes), and are one of the biggest problems facing us today. No one c...
My WAPA bill was $123 this month. Anyone want to slap me? Pamela Wow, very good, about 350 KWH??
I wish i could get her name but, IHop STT has long been closed down. They had a 20-40 minute wait, just to be seated. After the stateside team lef...
Yup, WAPA is very high! But you know those Lille Debbie snack cakes you get @ the dollar store?? Well, their $5 here, @ Kmart!!! The average...
Our winds & sun do make a great dryer(that`s what I use)! I know it`s getting harder & harder to get non-electro fancy appliances anymore, but ST...
Hate to keep asking, but is the state side team still there or not?? The STT Ihop had management issues as well. One of the last times we were ...
Then i think, aw crap, I need a couple more 10-32 Stainless screws...Dam, the marine stores are closed, guess I have to go to Home Depot! Imagine, t...
So, how long has this Ihop been opened? Is the stateside team still there? Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their sho...
I remember a lady fanning herself @ Food Center. I asked her if she was OK as it is quite cool in there. She said, "I`m from New York, & I thought...
How long has this Ihop been open? Did the stateside start up team leave yet? From what I`m hearing, is either the stateside team left(and it`s ...
I kinda like the goat idea(just keep the rope as long as you want the green gone). Do they also eat the roots??
Always get them mixed up(and I have to ask when I call)...which is the one with the blue bottles? They once tied my copper lines in knots tightening...
And, I would say Water Island is the best island. Quiet, safe, separate but still close to STT. I almost purchased property on Water Island(love...
Great machine! But I could build you a Tim the tool man weed wacker w/ a old outboard power head. Since the FS250 is only 1.6 HP, I could use a 15...
While your not allowed to run for public office in the states if you have a recored, I wonder, do you HAVE to be a convict to run here?
With $400 million invested, it needed to live up to the hype... it did! No 3D on STT, I agree, still awesome!