Last seen: May 14, 2019 11:29 am
Also, check out
whitebrunette, most of your complaints are about things that could have been nipped in the bud if you had just did a little more research before you m...
"If it is an island paradise......." If that's the assumption you're working with, then you really need to do more research.
You can find the article here:
Your perspective on the move from Ja to STT will greatly depend on which part of Ja you are currently living in. So where in Jamaica are you currentl...
And there aren't private school students who speak the local dialect?
Jane, Most Caribbean islands with a significant population in 2006 have strip malls and rap music. St. Croix is no different. I just came from Jam...
A lot of these people you see around in town aren't necessarily Rastas. They just have locks and are not clean shaven. It takes a lot more to be Ras...
You want to know where you can find a Nintendo Wii on St. Croix? Are you kidding me? You can't have a friend in the states buy it and send it to you...
So why doesn't the USVI "not enjoy the protections of the US Constitution"? I thought most of it was applicable to the USVI.
I live in Jolly Hill. They don't have condos, just a few houses here or there that people are building.
I hear there are a ton of spots in Csted. I guess you can also try sitting in parking lots of big businesses (like Innovative in Sunny Isle).
VIpowernet's service is pretty bad, as expected with all of Innovative. But here's my question: why is your Internet setup so complicated? Usually w... is a computer store that ships to the USVI.
Bassman, I've been in your situation before and yes it is possible to switch to the earlier flight if there is space. I am 100% sure your luggage wil...
Lindsay, what city are you flying out of?
Why do you think that feeling of needing to be "insulated from locals" exists? Is it prejudice, fear of crime, or something else?
I take it apart to bring it to St. Croix and put it in a case I had at home. This saves the expense of shipping it down, as well as the risk of it be...
Is it a store bought computer or a custom computer? For my custom computer, when I would go back to St. Croix every summer, I would just take it apar...
I hope you know that St. Croix is a Caribbean island, and as such, techno/progressive/whatever is not really popular here. You might have to make som...
Dntw8up, We are not naturalized U.S. citizens, so your explanation does not apply to the people of the USVI. We were given citizenship by the U....
I think it is obvious that the USVI is not culturally American. The accent, food, customs, traditions, history and mindset are predominantly derived ...
Marcus, we are politically Americans but not culturally Americans, so yes we are entitled to the federal dollars. Every colonizer is responsible for ...
Walmart on St. Croix? Well, I am interested in maintaining St. Croix as a CARIBBEAN island. American territory or not, this is not America, and no s...
I would cry the day USVI got a Walmart.