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Joined: July 31, 2007 2:14 am
Last seen: May 14, 2019 11:29 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 309
Re: Why?

"Nice... putting language on the books differentiating Virgin Islanders and Citizens. I'm pretty sure there is nothing on the books of what makes some...

17 years ago
Re: Getting to Puerto Rico from the Islands

David, A lot of that info is outdated. The ONLY way to get from St. Thomas to San Juan is seaplane, Cape Air, or American Eagle. All are in the ra...

17 years ago
Re: An introduction to VI culture for us mainlanders

Actually we are a nation of our own, just not a sovereign one. The USVI is not a state, but a colony of the United States with its own national ident...

17 years ago
Re: No Option for VI as the State in the New Address

I second lifetime, although it may or may not work for stuff over the phone, if an online vendor ships USPS but does not have VI, selecting VA with th...

17 years ago
Re: Seeking answers and found questions....

NoMoreSnow, I don't mean to be cynical, but what type of people did you talk to about these future projects when you were here? What classes of Cru...

17 years ago
Re: American A flight changes

Delta sometimes changes their flights to Saturday-only during the off-season. I've also seen them do 3X weekly service on Wednesday, Friday and Satur...

17 years ago
Re: American A flight changes

No Delta is still Wednesday and Saturday. Their flights sell out pretty well, so I think they will stick around for a while.

17 years ago
Re: American A flight changes

This is a good chance for Cape Air to increase flights or for a new airline to start service from STX/STT-SJU. The Miami flight should stay because A...

17 years ago
Re: Before you move, Know this....

He has had issues with the Black down islander population (which is probably the largest demographic group in the VI if you count their VI-born descen...

17 years ago
Re: ATM's and Cash

The one in Sunny Isles next to the Shuama station doesn't take credit cards. Shuama does though.

17 years ago
Re: crime free on stt? is it possible?

I think he may be right about the PR population. I read some where in an old Avis article a few years back that it is estimated that up to 49% of the...

17 years ago
Re: Caribbean Magazine Poll Business Travellers???

How does one rank the center of business in the Caribbean region. Business-wise, the Caribbean has a lot of divisions based on political allegiances ...

17 years ago
Re: inter-island flights that i cannot find... hmmm...

5:15 is too early, because the flight wouldn't get into Tortola until at least 7 or 8... so they would have to overnight in Tortola, but at least they...

17 years ago
Re: something like mapquest for stt?

maps.google.com or download Google Earth

17 years ago
Re: inter-island flights that i cannot find... hmmm...

They have boats from Tortola to St. John that late?

17 years ago
Re: inter-island flights that i cannot find... hmmm...

Remember, flying into Tortola is also an option, I believe there is a evening flight from St. Maarten to Tortola on LIAT and Winair. They might still...

17 years ago
Re: inter-island flights that i cannot find... hmmm...

If you're flying from France to St. Maarten, there are direct flights on LIAT from St. Maarten to St. Thomas. If you're flying from France to Gua...

17 years ago
Re: Centerline Bakery STX?

You're confusing it with Pastry Hut, which is further west on Centerline Road, after big Kmart.

17 years ago
Re: Avis refinery article

It probably has little to do with Hovensa. The Avis was most likely having a slow news day and needed something for the front page.

17 years ago
Re: Grocery Bagging Customs in VI.

As someone born and raised here, I've always given them a dollar ever since I was old enough to drive to the supermarket, I think that's the typical "...

17 years ago
Re: Antique stores on STX

This may be of interest:

17 years ago
Re: 340 area code

Sprint and Cingular are free to the VI. T-Mobile I believe charges 69 cents a minute and some Verizon plans charge 20 cents a minute.

18 years ago
Re: high school

"talking to other people does not paint a particularly pretty picture" Of course it does not, because you obviously don't know how to talk to ...

18 years ago
Re: ANTS on the WALL !

Welcome to the Virgin Islands.

18 years ago
Re: Local "dialect" vs "language"

In the 1700s, Dutch Creole was used on STT and STJ and English Creole developed on STX. But the Dutch Creole died out and English Creole became promi...

18 years ago
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