Reputable Member
Joined: July 31, 2007 2:14 am
Last seen: May 14, 2019 11:29 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 309
Re: Talkin' 'Bout My Reparations...

well then why is it that this bit of info is never in the papers......and nary a word about tribal chiefs, and so to me it looks as though ACRRA is ju...

17 years ago
Re: Talkin' 'Bout My Reparations...

why is no one going after the tribes over in africa for selling their own people into bondage, Who said they weren't? ACRRA represents more tha...

17 years ago
Re: Talkin' 'Bout My Reparations...

DL - I read the article in today's Avis and, while ACCRA raises a number of issues, reparations does seem to be THE central issue. As I newcomer ...

17 years ago
Re: Talkin' 'Bout My Reparations...

Did you not read the article in today's paper? It's not about the money. You seem confused on what ACRRA's position is, so I will offer you some uns...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

It's about way more than the money. They want the deJongh administration to put reparations at the forefront of their relations with the Danish gover...

17 years ago
Re: Guys Haircuts STX

If you live east, you could go by Salvador's on Queen St. near the Post Office in Csted, across from the parking lot.

17 years ago
Re: Can anyone explain what a Pueblo store is

A Quaker Oats instant oatmeal is $6.69 in Pueblo and $3.69 in Plaza. A Pepperidge Farm shortbread cookies is $6.29 while at Plaza it's $3.99. Who is...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

LOL well i've just read a bit of ignorance and sheer stupidity in todays source, you need to read kendal petersons comments in the fish market story,a...

17 years ago
Re: Robbery-Mahogany Welcome STX

I'm sorry about what happened to your friends. It's a shame how younger and younger the criminals are these days..... believe it or not a lot of thes...

17 years ago
Re: VI residents have you received your stimulus check yet?

DL - what date did you file? I think they are being sent by date filed. I have called IRB twice and all they do is put the call through to someones ...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Why are people so disappointed in the Senate? Most of them weren't about rejecting the deal, they just wanted it renegotiated because the way the dea...

17 years ago
Re: stateside sales tax

It worked when I lived in Seattle for a few months. Maybe they allow non-Washington residents to be exempt and other states don't? Because when I we...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

I think you have crucians here that hate white statesiders just because they are white statesiders and they use the slavery thing as an excuse for tha...

17 years ago
Re: Happy 4th!

Sorry I was skim reading and didn't notice the word "basic" at first. I was saying that given the conditions in the public school system, the childre...

17 years ago
Re: Happy 4th!

"I thought to myself wow there is a place not so far from here, not somewhere half way around the world, where children are not guaranteed a basic edu...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

VI to Cuba: Air Jamaica has a flight from Kingston to Havana, just fly VI-San Juan-Miami-Kingston-Havana, probably cost a lot, but you could do it all...

17 years ago
Re: Interesting STX Article

We should all need to add comments below the article, so that people who haven't figured out from reading will know that it's a BS article. It's not ...

17 years ago
Re: Tax Refund???

I filed mine the same time and got it in late May. Just hang on! I'm still waiting for my stimulus check though, although some VI people have gotten...

17 years ago
Re: google

Google even has a street view for certain parts of the US... crazy.

17 years ago
Re: Term "soon come"

Also, a family friend of ours was in the State Dept, and was going to be stationed in Sierra Leone. He was actually able to take a language course on ...

17 years ago
Re: Is St. Croix safe?

Is St Croix considered more or less safe than St Thomas? They're both roughly the same, although I would lean more toward St. Croix but that's ju...

17 years ago
Re: Why?

Virgin Islanders (and Puerto Ricans too) are not Americans, they are American colonial subjects. They are Caribbean people with American citizenship ...

17 years ago
Re: Why?

"Nice... putting language on the books differentiating Virgin Islanders and Citizens. I'm pretty sure there is nothing on the books of what makes some...

17 years ago
Re: California girl needing a change!

"Actually, you can. There are one-way flights from STT & STX to CCS (Venezuela), UIO (Ecuador), CTG (Colombia), PTY (Panama). The cheapest though seem...

17 years ago
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