Reputable Member
Joined: July 31, 2007 2:14 am
Last seen: May 14, 2019 11:29 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 309
Re: Shipping car from STX to STT Cost?

Norma H: www.normahfreight.com They charge $300-400 depending on the size of the vehicle. They sail from STX on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

11 years ago
Re: Vegan Foods/Restaurants On St Thomas

Yes, I know about Rootsie,'s food truck, but I got the impression from them that they would be opening their original restaurant at some point so I wo...

11 years ago
Re: Vegan Foods/Restaurants On St Thomas

Rootsie's has a truck in Bovoni near the race track.

11 years ago
Re: Ready for our move!

If you'll indulge me in some advice Beachybabe - abandon the idea of "expats". Most everone is American! It's just not a state, it's a territory, li...

11 years ago
Re: Late Nite Food n Christiansted

There is a Dominican (Dominican Republic) bar/restaurant on Hospital St on the left hand side when you're heading towards Gallows Bay from downtown. ...

11 years ago
Re: Living like a Crucian

Actually it's immigrants from St. Lucia and Dominica who like country music.

11 years ago
Re: Hiking STX- Annaly Bay, Isaacs Bay, Hamms Bluff

As the place started filling up with scantily clad women and their boyfriends the energy in the place started to pick up and the vibe changed a bit......

11 years ago
Re: US VI and British VI comparison

Even if you are a British citizen, you can't move to the BVI. The BVI has their own immigration laws that even apply to citizens of the UK.

11 years ago
Re: STT one-day car rental

Depends what you want to do. $75 for 1 day sound expensive but if your rent from discount or Hertz they do not allow their rentals on the barge to St....

11 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 946
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

I think the food truck is over by Barren Spot Mall. Keeping following Centerline Road past Ville La Reine.

11 years ago
Re: Glassware/china from store via USPS or Tropical?

Sending anything made out of glass via the mail, especially to the VI, is a very bad idea. The boxes get very beat up when they transit through the m...

11 years ago
Re: Looking for price info re: media mail shipments to VI

I shipped a 70 lb box full of books from Rhode Island to St. Croix about 5 years ago via Media Mail. Paid only $20. I'm sure rates have gone up a bi...

11 years ago
Re: Jet blue and cape air rum box policy

Cape Air does not charge. Jet Blue does not charge, provided that one of the bottles is made in USVI (Captain Morgan or Cruzan Rum). If you'...

11 years ago
Re: BalAir Airlines From St Croix

I think it's Seaborne but they got the name wrong, somehow.

11 years ago
Re: Food Fair open!

Can anyone get me their phone number? Thanks!

11 years ago
Re: Tropical Shipping estimate?

Tropical Shipping charges by volume (cubic feet), not weight.

11 years ago
Re: Nonstop from Charlotte to STX?

Just checked their booking system, and US Airways flies nonstop from Charlotte to STX on Saturdays from January through May.

12 years ago
Re: 757 coming to STX!

They are doing the 757 service for the fall. In December, it reverts back to a daily 737 plus the 3X or 4X per week 2nd 737.

12 years ago
Re: Stereo repair on STX

You can also check St. Maarten forums if you can't find anyone in the VI. They have a boat from Gallows Bay to St. Maarten this Friday, and every oth...

12 years ago
Re: Innovative Internet nightmare

Internet options in the Virgin Islands: 1. Un-INNOVATIVE 2. No-CHOICE 3. BroadBAD-VI

12 years ago
Re: Marina Market Closed - Red Hook, Stt

I'm sure the mini mart will do good business there. They stay open till 2 a.m. and there's so much people down there.

12 years ago
Re: The Bachelor TV show filming on STX

St. Croix is totally surrounded by the Caribbean. STT, STJ and the BVIs have the Caribbean on one side and the Atlantic on the other.

12 years ago
Re: tire repair stx

Do the tire shops mentioned above sell used tires too?

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

Ummmm... you came to the CARIBBEAN and were surprised that there was drug dealing going on in the open? What's next, you going to China and being...

12 years ago
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