Reputable Member
Joined: February 5, 2011 5:35 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 421
Re: Bizarre Foods America - St Croix

I missed the first 15-20 mins of the show, but from what I saw, the only thing that I haven't or wouldn't eat are the land crabs.

12 years ago
Re: Bizarre Foods America - St Croix

The show will be on the Travel Channel again next Monday at 8pm and Tuesday at 3am. and also on 9/6 the Monday after that @ 6pm.

12 years ago
Re: Bizarre Foods America - St Croix

I was really pleased to see the episode. I'm still trying to figure out between STT vs STX and it appears that STX is pretty far from being considered...

12 years ago
Re: Bizarre Foods America - St Croix

i thought it was a great show. but of course Sheldon from the vibe thought it was derogatory to St Croix.. But he thinks everything is derogatory. ...

12 years ago
Re: Sam Topp show

The station is under new management. There has been numerous other changes.

12 years ago
Re: Hovensa 4th amendment vote

As Frank Schneiger said, "better half a loaf than none at all," except when dealing with a legislature more willing to inflate their egos and show the...

12 years ago
Re: Hovensa 4th amendment vote time please take a screen shot of Barshinger's reply so we can have it saved for next election. This man needs to be placed on perma...

12 years ago
Re: JFL Hospital

I have seen many, many issues at the community hospital where I work. Everything from our entire building being condemned to backroom oustings of the ...

12 years ago
Re: Divi Carina

Sandcastle will be a long drive from the hospital, it's pretty far! Probably about the same as the Divi? Others may know better than me. There ...

12 years ago
Re: JFL Hospital

Thanks for everyone's input. I have been lurking here for a few weeks and have a fair idea of life on STX (as fair as one can get without actually liv...

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

11 – STX 19 – Territory smh.....STT is narrowing the gap

12 years ago
Re: Pacific Cotton STX Closing

@Cruz - they are on the north side of Strand Street next to the old Tessoro location. ok thanks

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

11 STX 19 Territory And???? What is your point? Is this a competition? Less than a month ago, STT was ahead by 2, and now STX is ahead ...

12 years ago
Re: Pacific Cotton STX Closing

Never heard of it. That might be the bigger culprit, rather than rent or WAPA. I've never heard of them either. This just blows me away. It's a...

12 years ago
Re: Pacific Cotton STX Closing

Never heard of it. That might be the bigger culprit, rather than rent or WAPA. I've never heard of them either.

12 years ago
Re: Pros & cons of Grapetree Bay

Googlemaps only seems to know about the west end one. Google Maps on St. Croix is still in the "development" stages and not very accurate in my o...

12 years ago
Re: Pros & cons of Grapetree Bay

Bus service is not very dependable. Bottom need a car if you want to live up in East End.

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

Again, thank you to everyone. I am getting the impression that STX has the most crime, STT is the most well-rounded island in regards to something fo...

12 years ago
Re: Thinking about moving, but have some concerns. Thoughts?

STX and STT are dead even at this point. (pun intended) The only stateside city which rivals us is metro New Orleans LA. Both islands are e...

12 years ago
Re: Dear LIAT

Here are Liat's responses. And I must say that this has got to be one of the most idiotic responses that I've ever seen from a company...smh. This lad...

12 years ago
Re: Driver's Ed

I think it has a lot to do with lack of painted lines on the side of the road.

12 years ago
Re: WAPA has so much extra money they give it away

Many of you may not believe it but the WAPA scholarship program actually saves WAPA a considerable amount of money in the long run. Think about it. WA...

12 years ago
Re: WAPA has so much extra money they give it away

smh....I was expecting to read an article on frivolous spending, not giving back to the community in the form of scholarships. This scholarship progra...

12 years ago
Re: blockbuster

Surprised they've lasted this long. Should have been turned in to a vending machine years ago.

12 years ago

Tried the 2 liter mosquito trap thingy. Made 2 of them for the bathrooms where the skeeters are the worse. After 2 weeks or so, not a single mosquit...

12 years ago
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