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Joined: February 5, 2011 5:35 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 421
Re: Senatorial Candidates STT

When Schneider was Governor a substantial amount of money was equally spent on his Bakkeroe private residence - replete with sentried guard shack at i...

12 years ago
Re: LEAC increase

*-) ok SunnyCaribe...thanks for the chuckle....I'm just putting two on two together. Everyone would love a more efficient and quality ran utility, but...

12 years ago
Re: LEAC increase

what could have been: /blockquote> Here's my opinion of what could and would have been.....utility costs would be just as high if not higher. Co...

12 years ago
Re: Senatorial Candidates STT

*-) I just have to lol and smh at your comment in regards to attending community function. Clarence Payne knows exactly how the game is played and how...

12 years ago
Re: Senatorial Candidates STT

Lawrence Olive was the director of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles under the previous governor. He was not retained by the current governor. Since then,...

12 years ago
Re: little casears open when by kmart sunny isles?

I had a feeling that someone would mention those. 😀 The saltfish and conch is probably as close as you're gonna get.

12 years ago
Re: little casears open when by kmart sunny isles?

I find it funny that every one comments about "locally" owned pizza shops. As if pizza is local to STX.....smh

12 years ago
Re: Thanksgiving in the VIs - October 15, 2012

Both Hurricane Supplication Day and Hurricane Thanksgiving Day are recognized local holidays and have been since 1726. The former is recognized on th...

12 years ago
Re: Thanksgiving in the VIs - October 15, 2012

Hurricane Supplication Day....which I gave up on after wrong way Lenny occurred after the holiday: and most people ignore it these days Hur...

12 years ago
Re: little casears open when by kmart sunny isles?

Personally I'd love to see all the fast food on STX shipped back to the Continent, and our young people being taught the value of eating fresh and loc...

12 years ago
Re: Peace Officer Status

I guess the Virgin Islands will now be crime free because this has passed....smh

12 years ago
Re: Crucians In Focus Account Suspended - Whats Up With That?

Why do you think that site owner's nickname is 'repo' as in repossession? 😀 lol...that's a good one, but true

13 years ago
Re: Crucians In Focus Account Suspended - Whats Up With That?

maybe the senatorial candidate has been placing more resources into his campaign..... On the other hand, I've always wondered why he hasn't added...

13 years ago
Re: STX: Where to find a decent loaf of bread?

Memory foam......good one! We have been purchasing bread and rolls, hot dog, hamburger and dinner at Thomas Bakery. Really priced good too! ...

13 years ago
Re: Dates for Jump Up (February) and Ag Fair on STX 2013

Ag Fair is always held on the President's Day holiday weekend

13 years ago
Re: Union Agreement Dictates Tax Money Spending

I think what seems wrong is the union has to force the government to supply the officers what they need to do the job safely. If they are willing...

13 years ago
Re: STX xmas fest 2012

this is the website, however it's currently under construction here's their facebook page I think that the Festival parades will more than lik...

13 years ago
Re: gunfire and cops near cane bay ? really don't want to know awaits the flurry of negative comments about STX .........

13 years ago
Re: Sister's Wedding on STX next week

Try Altoona Lagoon. The fisherman come in there and dump all the conch shells. The people decorate the whole park with the conch shells. I'm sure you ...

13 years ago
Re: Little Caesars Pizza

not little caesars but they do sell pizzait was branded as Little Caesars when the store first opened. I guess they changed that.

13 years ago
Re: Little Caesars Pizza

Isn't there still a Little Caesars pizza in Kmart West by the checkout registers?

13 years ago
Re: OT: BVI Festival events calendar

To express my feeling, I no longer visit or support the BVI. So I guess that means you won't be popping over for the festivities? :Dlol...that ...

13 years ago
Re: Chucky loses again

just a little FYI.....the Southern Energy representative that presented the bid to the legislature back then, is now the executive director of WAPA.

13 years ago
Re: hovensa

this thread is a perfect example to show that the closure talk is NOT credible. This thread was started in 2010 and the "closure" talk is now back aga...

13 years ago
Re: hovensa closing

It's called SENSATIONALISM and SCARE TACTICS. That refinery will NOT be closed.

13 years ago
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