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Joined: July 12, 2007 3:28 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 16
Re: Coral World Dolphin Permit CZM Public Hearing: UPDATE/STT

Just watch "The Cove". It will change anything you ever thought about captive dolphins.

12 years ago

You Old Tart. You are way tougher than this.

12 years ago
Re: Just Wondering...

Happy birthday OT. May you have a wonderful day!

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

If you're outside of Philly and 20 minutes from Camden, I doubt you live anywhere that "safe" and assure you, there are just as many drugs in your nei...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

And Alana, the police really care about pot sales? That's what I've been told it was. After reading so many threads, I think the police have a lot m...

12 years ago
Re: Just Wondering...

Making cookies today. My great grandmothers Swedish sugar cookies. Instead of typical Christmas tree this year, we're putting up a 7 foot palm tree,...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

I live outside of Philly. Go ahead. Slam away, but I am well aware of the problems. Hey! I live about 20 miles from Camden. Drug infested, murder...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

ZOMG you saw a drug deal? Did you blow a rape whistle? Seriously, these are the kind of remarks that are out of control on this forum. Disgu...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore. the way, it wasn't pot, which I have no problem with, it was in very small plastic Ziplock bags. That's a whole different ball game. I'm not...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

Ummmm... you came to the CARIBBEAN and were surprised that there was drug dealing going on in the open? What's next, you going to China and being...

12 years ago
Re: I lurk here but couldn't take it anymore.

Typical answers on this forum. Me report it to the STT police? How funny is that when I read of so much corruption on the Island. Why should I repo...

12 years ago
Replies: 57
Views: 6387
Re: stabbing at jump up?

My Family has been here since 1868, I spent my summers on ST Croix since I was a Child, I have seen crime get worse since (Hurricane Hugo). We do have...

14 years ago
Re: stabbing at jump up?

Lizard, may I ask why you still live in the Islands?

14 years ago
Re: Is STX safe for young women?

I read all about the crime on STX and STT and I think, can it be any worse than Philadelphia? It's crazy up here people.

14 years ago
Re: Centipedes - IslandJoan?

I'm a lurker here, but you guys are really scaring me now. How common are these bites? Centipede's have alwasy freaked me out, but i don't think the...

17 years ago
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