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Joined: August 7, 2007 10:00 pm
Topics: 11 / Replies: 147
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

[Sorry, my spelling is requiring rewrites and it got a bit long and rambling as I wrote it...]. We live at Coakley Bay is out on the Eas...

12 years ago
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

You are indeed the man ! Thank you for documenting this so well.

12 years ago
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

Okay....I'm hooked on the story. Any updates ?

12 years ago
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

I this works, you are my hero. If not, it has still been an impressive effort -- you have gotten FAR further thsn anyone else who has tried !! Keep ...

12 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 943
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

Friday afternoon...........drumroll please..........

12 years ago
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

so what if your ineternet service goes down, you're kind of screwed again? If the internet goes down you are no worse off. Your cell phone simpl...

12 years ago
Re: AT&TMicro Cells

I really, REALLY hope you are right! We use one in NYC and it is great....I have been trying to get AT&T to allow a VI address for two years now........

12 years ago
Re: STX Residential solar power

Answers to your questions......... 1. In the text prior to the table it's stated that one Kilowatt Hour (with all taxes and fees) is $.45 through...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI Issues Today-STX?

I figured it had tot be something like that. Like I 5 companies on STX...... and after many years I've learned that you have to openly ap...

12 years ago
Re: STX Residential solar power

There is a really good chart on this in Coakley Bay Condos website under >> Owners >> Living in th VI. At the end of that page. We did an analysis ...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI Issues Today-STX?

Is that Green Key's repeater too? As I said, we are 100% up off of it and watch Netflix all of the time. I can't understand how if the radio is work...

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI Issues Today-STX?

The Oil Genie, Dish TV, Office Max and Ziggy's

12 years ago
Re: Broadband VI Issues Today-STX?

I know exactly what you mean !,,, At Coakley Bay we have VI Broadband included in our fees. You can also pay more and get the higher tier service. S...

12 years ago
Re: Recommendations on cell booster needed......

Are you in the USVI using the ATT Microcell ? I use it in New York City, but it has not worked on STX when I've tried to connect -- it looks at a GPS...

12 years ago
13 years ago
Re: No more network TV in HD from Dish?

Bump. . . .I've been off the Forum for a while so I thought I'd ask. . .Has anyone heard anything more about getting network HD back on DISH ? I have...

13 years ago
Re: Saint Croixs economy

I do not know if this is true -- but I was told by someone (who should know a great deal about WAPA) that contrary to popular belief, the amount being...

13 years ago
Re: Cell phone signal booster?

I'll check at Sunny Isle in the next few days, but I "chatted" with ATT online about my Microcell account and they said no. You are now chatti...

13 years ago
Re: Cell phone signal booster?

The AT&T 'Microcell' works well in New York City, it works through your Internet broadband -- but AT&T said it would not work here. Always the skep...

13 years ago
Re: No more network TV in HD from Dish?

Thanks for the info ! Any updated word on the possibility of the networks being offered by DISH in HD in VI at any time in the near future ?

13 years ago
Re: No more network TV in HD from Dish?

...Bump.... Any updated word on networks being offered in HD in VI ? Thanks !

13 years ago
Re: No more network TV in HD from Dish?

ENGLISHTYCOON SAID: "The HD networks were assigned to a transponder a week ago, it has just not been activated yet." Does anyone know if the net...

14 years ago
Re: Dish Network Tech Support

Due to a penchant for all things DVR, we have the Dish (dual tuner), TIVO and Replay. I do this because each has good and bad points. Here's a w...

15 years ago
Re: Oil Genie Phone Number?

Followup. He just finished. Thanks to Nforbes for the number !! He called back the day after i left the message, came the day after that. ...

16 years ago
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