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Joined: August 7, 2007 10:00 pm
Topics: 11 / Replies: 147
Re: Why did I bring that?????

So if you have any really special books and pictures....leave them someplace where they will be safe if you want to keep them. Also: Formal silve...

9 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1571
Re: Quick question..

Can they get my car registered and inspected without my having to go in to Motor Vehicles every year ? THEN they would have something !!!

9 years ago
Re: EDC Companies and Employment - Bill 31-0292

It was a pretty stupid law. ....and probably unconstitutional as well.

9 years ago
Re: Historic: Senate Approves Arclight Deal

Today's Consortium: Hovensa Deal Closes "The government’s escrow agent received the cash payment of $220 million. The deeds to the real esta...

9 years ago
Re: Will STX have ABC programming starting today?

@ 3:14 pm - Mich 14, Florida 7 (SlingBox) Once all we had was ABC and that was at least a day went on.....We had

9 years ago
Re: Historic: Senate Approves Arclight Deal

...they needed another outside professional opinion, and I heard something about some file somebody was supposed to get was corrupted so the senate di...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I almost never express an opinion--and certainly not on politics.....This is one of those posts I know I should avoid....but here goes.... In add...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I believe the motion that was made and passed was to have a hearing on STX on Monday and then to have the vote on Tuesday which must, by law, take pla...

9 years ago
Re: J&V Diner, STX

Absolutely....greatest respect. Very much so. When I was MUCH younger, there was a very famous Mahogany tree that everyone knew which had been (s...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I received an email from someone asking what I thought was a good question -- so I'm posting my answer here: Why do I think the Government did not not...

9 years ago
Re: J&V Diner, STX

go to where the Electronics store used to be and turn left. You are now truly a Virgin Islander. ;}

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

80 jobs with a potential for 200 is a drop in the bucket. . .Way too many tax exemptions. Everyone has to make up their own minds on this. I can'...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

Perhaps I can help clarify some of the questions by reference to the documents. 1. Housing. The trailers were removed. That is correct. However,...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

If you have the time to read it -- here is part of the judge's order approving the sale -- it has a number of very interesting findings. See bolded s...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

Sinopec is just leasing the storage capacity - doesn't mean they will be hands on running it. That would still be Limetree's responsibility as the own...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

Was this just a gratuitous plug for the Michigan State Football team? If so, I have approved this message ! Go Spartans !

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

$200+ Million directly to VI Gov, in real cash, not some future pie-in-the-sky and 10% of future profits or minimum of $9 Million/yr. and All ...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I'm not sure -- although she was the one that originally said top file it under seal in the last hearing My understanding is that it will either be re...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

Bankruptcy Judge approved the sale to Arclight. Mapp announcement scheduled for 10 am. Then its on to the Legislature for consideration/approval of th...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

Wonderful! Thanks, Carl! No problem.....Everyone enjoy the Michigan State Game ! Also....This is from the last item on the Docket....the Agenda...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

No problem ! Always best to read the actual documents. I know others have posted this, but all of the docs can be read on: Prime Clerk Website ...

9 years ago
Re: Hess Bid. I Don't Understand. Explanation Pls

I know this is a bit long, but it explains who said what to whom and what the various bids and positions were. It explains what the Judge is being as...

9 years ago
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