Noble Member
Joined: December 4, 2006 2:50 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 2038
Re: Crime in Our Community

Stateside, if you call the police for your safety, you could end up waiting hours before anyone shows up (or dead for hours, for that matter). I ...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Tami I don't befriend anyone from this board in real life. Too many seem to go off the deep end here and make things very personal. I really don't w...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Tami I don't know what ya got going on over there but that post was a little agenda? Really? really? Because my husband is in law...

16 years ago

4 tablespoons generally of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Good for if your dog gets into your chocolate, because most will have it in the hous...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

If you really honestly were trying to help him you wouldn't want or need anything back in return. And wouldn't be kicking someone when they are down....

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Anyone know anything about this Chef Battle thing? I understand its for charity but seems a little odd to have it in the hardware store or any of the...

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

As I was sweeping the porch yesterday I see a guy go zoomin past in a riding lawn mower. All I could think of was that'd be a cheap second car AND I ...

16 years ago
Re: Still on our way...Q's - STX

1. For a car they're all about the same. Leave nothing in it. Don't even think they will let you anymore, but yes it will be stolen if you leave an...

16 years ago
Re: PO Boxes

Its still a good thing you were prepared, because more often then not they want the IDs and proof that you live here, at least for the USPS. 🙂

16 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

I agree overall this is a much nicer place to drive then where we all come from. But we wouldn't be human if we didn't have complaints. And joking a...

16 years ago
Re: OT: HR3200 - you may read the health care reform bill as it develops

So now we're talking SS? This is a system my generation is paying into but one I likely won't see the benefit from. I would be nice if they did some...

16 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

OMG the pedistrian thing is bad downtown. People just don't pay attention to the cars. I'll be in the middle of a pull out and some numb nuts will ju...

16 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

The traffic stops you see are just for cell phone or seat belt tickets.

16 years ago
Re: Traffic Pet Peeves (St. Croix)

No one knows what a four way stop here is or that a stop sign means stop, but honestly haven't seen anyone run red lights here.

16 years ago
Re: Found, 2 Doberman Pups, STX

I agree, its like giving a child plastic surgery. They're beautiful the way they are born. I had one really great doberman growning up, she was wick...

16 years ago
Re: Share charter flight to relocate with dog

American will take a dog up to 100 lb including the crate. The dog must be able to easily stand (with head room) and turn around in the crate. So ge...

16 years ago
Re: Electric bills

Hey if he can afford $500 in electric it might be a good fit for him. If you have money to throw away this is a good place to live.

16 years ago
Re: Electric bills

Even for those that have trouble adjusting to the heat are usually fine in front of a fan in the shade and just using a/c at night to sleep. They are...

16 years ago
Re: Homeowner Insurance - STT

I have heard nothing but bad things about guardian on stx. They are usually the cheapest but as the saying goes you get what you pay for.

16 years ago
Re: Rental Locations

For your first year I would recommend you pick something center island. If you decide to stay after a year, you'll know where you want to live. Ther...

16 years ago

Aussie, Say no to crack 😉 so no g

16 years ago

You can have the pleasure of cutting mine too. 😉 I HATE gardening...that's why god invented cute garden boys.

16 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

lol....I'm surprised your illusion lasted this long. I prefer deck bar, especially if Phil is there. Like to watch the people and have a good breeze...

16 years ago
Re: Police Officers???

But having an US vs THEM attitude doesn't help Linda, statesiders make up about 3% of the population. Its not a them vs us. It's their island c...

16 years ago
Re: Police Officers???

If some of you had a bad experience at the local coffee shop would you bash someones entire existence just because they posted a question about the lo...

16 years ago
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