Becky R
Honorable Member
Joined: April 10, 2005 12:49 am
Topics: 36 / Replies: 677
Re: What about STX?

Adam, if you get a book club started, I'd LOVE to be a part of it! Let me know or PM me and I'll send you my "real" email addy. Becky R

20 years ago
Re: LindaJ is now the Bionic Woman

Ric, tell her we can't wait to meet her when she gets back - best to you both! The Richters

20 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 1359
Replies: 7
Views: 1029
Re: No-see-ums and dogs

Thanks - exactly the info I needed - they're already on Revolution, just wanted to make sure we wouldn't be dealing with new critters! Becky R

20 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 5594
Re: Handlers for cars

Jen, I thought I understood from Lee with Managed Freight that he DOES have someone on island to get all of that might contact him again an...

20 years ago
Re: long-term car rental

Joel, Are you already there? If not, someone suggested to us that we buy another car in Sept. when the rental places sell - just a thought!

20 years ago
Re: Adjustment time from a small town?

STT Res and Linda - Thank you both for your kind words...although I very stupidly posted up about some stuff early on and didn't know what I was ...

20 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 970
Re: actual moving costs?

Thanks, jbr - but we will be shipping a 40' container with a car and furniture loaded inside...gonna bet this move costs more than $80! Becky R

20 years ago
Re: actual moving costs?

Blaze - May I ask what area you of the States you moved from? I am virtually in a black hole in west central Arkansas. We will be using Lee Fle...

20 years ago
Re: is it possible?

Ronnie lurks on the board...he'll be around soon! Becky

20 years ago
Re: is it possible?

Amy - If you will PM me, I will give you what little info I have. It may help, may not. We have heard a rumor from more than one person that H...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to STX June 13/OOPS!

Okay, so I wasn't listening well! My husband will be working at Sunshine Mall in F'sted. Still on the searh for a pet-friendly cottage avail. 6/13 o...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to STX June 13

Cleric, thank you - we will be bringing one Jeep with us - my husband would love to live without two cars to maintain, but I'm just letting him dream ...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to STX June 13/F'sted?

Aimee, thank you - you give me hope! No condo would take us - my dogs are bigger than a breadbox. Would someone comment on the revitalizatio...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to STX June 13

Ric - Kmart, Sunny Isle - if there is anything, we'd sure love to know - and thank you! Becky

20 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1063
Re: Number of pets?

Thank you for understanding that I put my heart and mouth in gear before I do my brain sometimes! Thank you for the kind words, and as soon as we mak...

20 years ago
Re: Number of pets?

See my post above - I'll be seen and not heard....I read another post that I believe Teresa wrote saying we're the "outsiders" and it gave me somethin...

20 years ago
Re: Number of pets?

I'm just thrilled to hear there is a program in place - trust me, the first little bit of my time will be trying to figure out which way is north (I'm...

20 years ago
Re: Number of pets?

Thank you all for your replies - I feel this is just another obstacle to overcome, but not insurmountable. Perhaps since mine are therapy dogs I can ...

20 years ago
Re: Number of pets?

Ummm. Well. I can live with taking 3, how's that? One is some sort of terrier mutt mix, about 45 lbs., just a is a pure Rottie, but s...

20 years ago
Re: Number of pets?

Thanks for the phone # - I'll try them - I have spoken with a man who brought four dogs to STX, but he didn't mention what kind of dogs they are. I h...

20 years ago
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