Becky R
Honorable Member
Joined: April 10, 2005 12:49 am
Topics: 36 / Replies: 677
Re: Cargoing large dogs out - USAir NO MORE....

Thanks Ann - but my dogs are coming from a regional airport in Arkansas - the planes with other airlines there aren't big enough to cargo we...

20 years ago
Re: Cargoing large dogs out - USAir NO MORE....

How large is your dog, Melody? If they are under 100 lbs. they can fly with someone on USAir for $100 extra...over 100, and you have to cargo them ou...

20 years ago
Re: Moving to St.Croix in Oct/Nov

Hello jb1842--- My husband is on island and I will join him next week, since our house sold the first day and they want me OUT! Although I h...

20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 976

Alexandra - You have my private email addy - please send me a name and phone # - also a cost if you have any idea. I am ready to leave, and the ...

20 years ago

My vet and I are confused on this issue. Apparently, so are the airline carriers. USAir said they would accept a regular Arkansas state health certi...

20 years ago
Re: Tupperware

Hey Linda, let me know...I'll be down from 8/20 - 9/6, when I have to come back and wait on the weather to cool to ship the dogs...but I'll be around....

20 years ago
Re: Info for others on shipping cars, household goods - P.S.

Never info I WANTED to add until recently, LOL! Everyone has been so good about dispensing advice, I hope I can help someone just a little bit along ...

20 years ago
Re: Business ? for STX residents

Thanks, Linda....I am really ready to get there! It was a passing thought I has passed. As soon as this house is under control, I am SO out...

20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1180
Re: Info for others on shipping cars, household goods - P.S.

We shipped a couch, coffee tables, an armoire, end tables, a queen sized bed, double bed, 86 boxes, nightstands...Keith, we shipped a LOT of stuff. Y...

20 years ago
Re: Info for others on shipping cars, household goods - P.S.

Then we should get there almost the same time! I'll be there on the 20th and look forward to meeting you - I think our men are running amuck while we...

20 years ago
Re: Info for others on shipping cars, household goods - P.S.

AGAIN? Good grief, Linda and I need to hurry back - he hasn't been taken ME out to dinner as much...

20 years ago
Re: Info for others on shipping cars, household goods - P.S.

P.S. Don't forget to make a master shipping manifest - you don't have to list everything to a "T", but you'd better get it mostly right - your in...

20 years ago
Re: What to bring to STT?

Oh, darlin', it ain't for me...I am NOT doing the makeup thing too much! But a friend was with me and experienced some sticker shock after leaving he...

20 years ago
Re: What to bring to STT?

My husband says if you like cheese dip and Rotel to pack CASES of it - Velveeta is $11 a box, and Rotel was $2.50 a can! Other than that, he hasn't f...

20 years ago
Re: single women- the odds don't mean anything

Linda - Well, I'm definitely not "Mr. Right" - but I'll be there on Aug. 20 and you can share your day with me! Russell's already there...he...

20 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 1347
Re: cell phone vs. home phone

Go back to Cingular and talk to someone else - my husband, myself and two kids share 1000 minutes and it's not too bad...we have all sorts of extra fe...

20 years ago
Re: Mississippi Delta Native moving to STX

Oops, guess I should read a little closer! Yes, we will be on STX as well. Feel free to write privately if you'd like...

20 years ago
Re: Mississippi Delta Native moving to STX

Also originally from Jackson (graduated Callaway 1974), went to Delta husband moves there next week, I will be 4-6 weeks behind transportin...

20 years ago
Re: PMV no longer - just here to stay

Linda - Congratulations! I knew you were leaning toward never returning when we saw you! Russ will be down on the 12th...ya'll be nice to h...

20 years ago
Re: Moving with Dogs

Kudos to you for bringing your Rottie! - maybe we can meet up sometime! I will be bringing 2 and a mutt - after we find a place of our own, I'll be b...

20 years ago
Re: A PMV to STX - oops, hit Post!

Sorry, I hit Post instead of Preview! We heard something as we were leaving about splitting the police departments and having a chief on every is...

20 years ago
Re: A PMV to STX - with a moral to the story-LONG!

Sailorgirl, I'm going to step up to the plate on this one - in one of my former lives I was a Little Rock police officer, so my feelings are hurt that...

20 years ago
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