Becky R
Honorable Member
Joined: April 10, 2005 12:49 am
Topics: 36 / Replies: 677
Re: removing genip stain

Tide's got that new stick thing-y that supposedly removes, whether it has made it's way to the islands is quite another story, I'm su...

19 years ago
Re: Opening a bank account ?

With homeland security and i.d. theft, etc., etc., we practically had to tell Bank of St. Croix what size underwear we wore. Even now if I go to cash...

19 years ago
Re: Nurse Practitioner considering relocation

Please do a search on "nursing" if you haven't already - the travel nurses get paid a LOT more than the local ones, and some get a housing stipend and...

19 years ago
Re: Can I work from home?

Dan, call me tomorrow...I'll give you the scoop on another guy with GREAT high speed, if you're in line of sight. I have the equipment already so don...

19 years ago
Re: Stateside Auto Insurance

We've used Executive in Barren Spot Mall and they have been cheaper than whatever else we found - their service has been very prompt as well. 340.773...

19 years ago
Re: Feel safe and insulated?

IE - I straight up admit to apathy. The Israel/Lebanon thing has gone on long before we were here and will keep on - India and Pakistan are neve...

19 years ago
Re: Home Health Care

Lady G- Having had Procrit in the past, albeit stateside...can your father's primary care not give the injections on the hematologist's orders ra...

19 years ago
Re: Can I work from home?

dntw8up - Good point - that's how I got into the clutches of Innovative. Make SURE they do the site survey rather than taking anyone's word for ...

19 years ago
Re: Feel safe and insulated?

Ed - I'm like Onika - I have almost made a concious choice not to participate in whatever reality is out there (my kids will tell you I made that...

19 years ago
Re: Crew positions/Which Island?

Which island are you coming to?

19 years ago
Re: Can I work from home?

Don't know what island you are going to be on, I'm on STX...I had to fall victim to Innovative, but I also work at home via internet/intranet. Someti...

19 years ago
Re: Yet another job on STX

Ah, STT Res - your worth is ever increasing! Thanks for the 3 cent comment - inflation and all! I, too, was wondering about what type job (not that ...

19 years ago
Re: Yet another mover

Jillian - Which school will you be teaching at? Will you have your own transportation or need to be on the bus line (such as it is)? I do h...

19 years ago
Re: We've arrived on STT/Mail tips

dntw8up is correct on using the better tape and checking things that are vital on flights - but just FYI for future movers, we have also found that th...

19 years ago
Re: Finding a job in STX...

No, it is for all the islands, but you'd better have your handy-dandy notebook with prefixes available or for a while you won't have a clue as to what...

19 years ago
Re: Finding a job in STX...

Sarah- Many of the places that are very popular, especially on the boardwalk, will probably have the positions for wait staff filled if you aren'...

19 years ago
Re: Comment about packing clothes

Eve - Bring a sweatshirt and jeans to wear on the plane and leave the rest of it behind...dntw8up is correct...everything has to be washed so reg...

19 years ago
Re: STX or STT?

Oh, Jim...I just had to laugh...Dallas is slower than NYC (where I've never been)? OMG - I don't NEED to go, then....okay, let's see if we can put th...

19 years ago
Re: STX or STT?

Jim - Well, here's the other side of the equation weighing in - we chose STX over STT because of the lack of hustle and bustle. We also had a ch...

19 years ago
Re: Need short term (2 weeks or so) rental- St. Croix

Darrin- Walk upstairs and talk to Daniel or Mark - they have my phone # - give me a call...

19 years ago
Re: Remedy for Spitting Frogs

Charlotte- As the self-appointed Biggest Pet Lover on the moving board, I thank you and I feel your heartbreak for your pet. I, too, am very sor...

19 years ago
Re: Amusing Tourist Remark

Not a tourist remark, but just an amusement from dealing with credit card companies stateside when we were moving - my husband got into a rather heate...

19 years ago
Re: Drivers License/Birth certificates

Before leaving the States, we ordered 3 copies of certified birth certificates for both me and my husband so that we wouldn't run into this scenario. ...

19 years ago
Re: generic foods

Everything may be name brand, just not one you're familiar with! If you're asking if there is generic chicken soup, I don't believe I've seen it. Km...

19 years ago
Re: I'm here... /whole house surge protector

Jules - I think there was a recent thread regarding that whole-house thing-y not too long might do a search, or maybe one of the regula...

19 years ago
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