Becky R
Honorable Member
Joined: April 10, 2005 12:49 am
Topics: 36 / Replies: 677
Re: Moving to St. Croix at the end of Sept!

Eric - Someone else will have to help me out here - the few people I've asked know where I'm talking about but can't remember the name either...b...

19 years ago
Re: Meeting People (STX)

And once again I am incorrect - thank you, Alexandra. Guess I just go and don't pay a lot of attention to names or I'd know roads, landmarks, and the...

19 years ago
Re: Meeting People (STX)

Thanks Ric - forgot it had moved to Gertrude's...Charlotte, that's out toward Hovensa on whatever road that is on the east side that leads into it (ge...

19 years ago
Re: Meeting People (STX)

Yes, I do think there is a conservative approach from some people - I had that exact sentiment relayed to me in a private email today - but Charlotte,...

19 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1764
Re: Airline Updates

Addendum on that, and it may have changed this morning - I ran into a lady last night who had been flying forever trying to get in from Tacoma. ...

19 years ago
Re: Aloha!

We are in Estate St. George, which we absolutely love. I know Kmart, Plaza, the airport, and UVI...I'm kind of a hermit! If you would like to wr...

19 years ago
Re: Aloha!

Knock wood, WAPA has done pretty well for the past number of months....sorry, folks, for the probable blackout now that I've put the curse on us...we'...

19 years ago
Re: What do you do in your spare time on STT/STX?

John Tee- Your mention of your '47 Plymouth caught my eye since I am married to a man who believes all good automotive products ended in the 1950...

19 years ago
Re: Now that you have moved to the USVI - what would you have done different

Gretchen - I am sure there are those out there who will be delighted to know - I wish I'd shut my mouth and opened my ears. Don't haul all your ...

19 years ago
Re: Terrorism alert/Code Red, delayed travel

I would not be one bit surprised to see these measures in effect until the end of time. News reports this morning indicate the plot was probably gene...

19 years ago
Re: Terrorism alert/Code Red, delayed travel

HC, I believe that is for UK travel only about the car opener thing-ys...but it could all change overnight. Better safe than sorry. I spoke with...

19 years ago
Re: Island Beater (as in car) Know of any?/STX

Hi, AJ - I figure you're offline and still fighting the Innovative monster... Ronnie, AJ is on STX.

19 years ago
Re: Terrorism alert/Code Red, delayed travel

I would imagine everyone is running around crazy at the airports and it's just easier to say no than sort through it all at this time. He was not tol...

19 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 2168
Re: What do you do in your spare time on STT/STX?

John- On STX there is a community theater - there's also Sunset Jazz concerts every month and frequent Jump Ups, parades, Mango Madness...the com...

19 years ago
Re: Media Mail Delivery Time

w8up I ran into a similar situation with the "off" sellers from Amazon - unless you are limited to one seller, you might go back and contact them...

19 years ago
Re: GULP.....WAPA bill....

This one was almost a mess.... The landlord was going to be gone for a couple of months and we/she prepaid the bill for that period of time (June and...

19 years ago
Re: Is 60K/yr enough?

STT Res said..."It all worked for me and over two decades later I'm still here. But, as I said, a properly executed job contract is something I think ...

19 years ago
Re: GULP.....WAPA bill....

Haven't read it yet, guess I need to make it a point now. Geez.

19 years ago
Replies: 56
Views: 6450
Re: Interesting Editorial

noone- In an honest effort to understand where you are coming from, I did a search on all posts on this forum under the posting name you have sel...

19 years ago
Re: Chef clogs on STT?

Mike - I'm not sure which shoe you refer to, and they may not have them...but has sent to me via USPS many times in the...

19 years ago
Re: flying pets to STT

Eve - Tell them, by all means, that she is a rescue dog - throw in her story for free - go early if you can. You can also buy a harness type con...

19 years ago
Re: Interesting Editorial

People who are my friends want my money? The next door neighbor who came and helped fix the air conditioner on his day off last year, and two days la...

19 years ago
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