Why do I feel like I'm being lectured to? The long sermon you write is all information known to anyone with half a brain. Nothing new or radical in...
Exactly, Exit Zero. Just look at the success of the charter schools created in disadvantaged areas. Most of their pupils come from poor, single fam...
Thanks Beach - The post might be old but gardening is a forever thing........... Great contact information. I'll follow up on it and hopefully f...
And what, exactly, does this have to do with relocation to the USVI????
Thank you, Exit Zero, for your insightful and level-headed response. Certainly, I do not have the answers to those problems but I hope that someone e...
Trade _ Your response to my post just proves what I was saying; don't discuss anything controversial. Just accept it and shut up. Maybe you're ...
Wow - all that sun has you residents putting your heads in the sand. Sounds like you don't even want to discuss it. In other words, if you move her...
If you leave from the Bahamas for Cuba and then return back through the Bahamas, the Americans are there to greet you. I would not do it, especially t...
So is what you're saying is that everyone in California is rude and ignorant, and no-one in the USVI is rude and ignorant? Sign me up!!
"Americans do not care about our cultural and historical attractions............." Since when ????? You know all Americans?
Cory: I think the problem is that you give the impression that you are the first person ever to even consider solar energy and the only person wh...
Bingo!!!! Lack of investment. You hit the nail on the head. And you've asked the right question - why?? I only know why I chose not to inves...
The roads are far better maintained in the Bahamas, there is much less liter around, there are hardly any starving dogs, the supermarkets are better a...
Dooley: Why are you asking? Are YOU knock-out cool, friendly and handsome?????
I worked in Tobago and spent time in Trinidad. Never was able to find any kind of message board. Your neighbors are in for some real culture shoc...
RE: "Please think of the very worst names you can call a woman. That is what you are. " Oh dear, oh dear. Someone's not having a good day in...
Now that's a clever posting!!!
"I don't think anyone expressed any personal dislike of anyone." HUH?? Are you kidding??? And calling people names, like "troll"?? How p...
Terry - Certainly some places are more dangerous than others whether you are aware of your surroundings or not.
The thread is easy to follow. It's the logic I'm having trouble with. Same old, same old., indeed!!!!
Welcome to Paradise
Lizard wrote : "May I suggest a Word Power Book, a Dictionary or google words in the English language you don't understand. " Good suggesti...
Yikes!! Guess I'm not righteous, thank goodness.
Personally, I preferred the "unimproved" Jane, (but don't tell Isalnder). Angela