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Joined: May 27, 2005 3:52 pm
Topics: 13 / Replies: 101
Re: Contruction Business

For what it's worth, I can think of at least one very successful black contractor off the top of my head, and I'm not even in the development business...

18 years ago
Re: living on St John

Yolanda is's all perspective and how well you plan. Betty says "To live on stj you are going to have to work like a dog to be able to aff...

18 years ago
Re: living on St John

Do you have any specific questions? What Charles says is is both beautiful and expensive. Less "conveniences" than STT or STX also. If you h...

18 years ago
Re: STJ and STT Summer Camps

I'll second that...V.I. Ecological Research Station (VIERS), 776-6721.

18 years ago
Re: We lived on island (STT) for two years with 3 kids

I don't have children yet, but have a suggestion for those of you who do: we buy a lot of toiletries and other such items from and cvs.c...

18 years ago
Re: Stateside car dealerships

Thanks everyone for the tips/advice. I was a little iffy about going through ebay or Auto Trader, b/c someone I know found the car he wanted in Auto T...

18 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1309
Re: Racial Harmony?

What a broad, sweeping statement Mango: "If your happy in the VI your not paying attention. IE, you are rich, have a drink in your hand and not ha...

18 years ago
Re: Racial Harmony?

Puffer, I live on St. John, and while I haven't spent signifiant time on STT or STX to be able to compare the racial climates, I can tell you that as ...

18 years ago
Re: cell phones

I'd be scared too, story is more on the funny side...I think... I was in the police station once trying to take care of some business...

18 years ago
Re: the safety zone

You can email them at, or call 693-7233.

18 years ago
Re: Feb- Place to rent

St. John is an extremely expensive place to live, but if you can make it here, it can be well worth it. St. John is closer to the BVIs than St. Croix,...

18 years ago
Re: Dogs on people ferry

I have two dogs, a five-year-old scottish terrier and an island mix puppy, 8 months old, that we got from the ACC. We've taken both of them to Gibney ...

18 years ago
Re: best temporary housing??

Never been in them but I drive past them every day on my way to work, and they look perfectly decent...cute in fact! Good location can walk ...

18 years ago
Re: Medical/Dental Services on STJ?

Trade, are you thinking of Red Hook Family Practice? I just remembered that the practice's doctor, Dr. Clayton, also has a Cruz Bay Family Practice on...

18 years ago
Re: 2 females 25 yr. old looking for place to rent or roommate in St. J close to Cruz Bay

Try staying at Tamarind Inn to start out, and then finding a place to live either through word of mouth, or by checking the bulletin boards at Starfis...

18 years ago
Re: Medical/Dental Services on STJ?

I would recommend St. John Dental, and I haven't had to see a family practice doctor or pediatrician so I couldn't answer that question. Maybe someone...

18 years ago
Re: Insurance on the island

Yikes...maybe I should switch before I have to actually submit a claim for something?

18 years ago
Re: Insurance on the island

On St. John, check Health Care Connection, 693-7444 and Cruz Bay Family Practice, 776-6789 for doctors, and Chelsea Drugstore, 776-4888 for pharmacy, ...

18 years ago
Re: Need Info

Regarding four wheel drive on St. John...I live here, and I can tell you that having it will make life easier. After a rain, I can't drive up the driv...

18 years ago
Re: working out in St John

Try Gym in Paradise at the Marketplace...776-0600

18 years ago
Re: Having a Beer

Small world...I'm from Dublin too (born and raised, graduated from Scioto in 1999) and have been living on St. John for a year and a half now! I don't...

18 years ago
Re: Gourmet coffee shops on STJ

Every Ting at Gallows Bay is good for coffee.

18 years ago
Re: Boat between STX & STT

I recently took the ferry to St. Croix, and yes it was pretty rough and there were people getting sick. If I hadn't taken Dramamine, I would have been...

18 years ago
Re: thanksgiving on st. john

If you want something more fancy, Katilady Katering is doing a prix fixe Thanksgiving dinner, and they'll deliver it wherever -- your villa, the beach...

18 years ago
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