Good questions, a tsunami is a wave and like all waves they have a troughs and crests, the question becomes which of the two is generated first, sinc...
After the Haiti quake, the local paper (Avis, I think) published an article with an expert saying that a "big one" could hit the VI any time. We get t...
Depends on alot on details/lifestyle. Pool? Teenagers? Do you mind actively conserving water? Will you water garden? I have 10K gallon...
I stumbed upon this website awhile ago, very useful, but bookmark it I can't find a link to it on the Main USVIRCD website.
Turnip-tailed Gecko (Thecadactylus rapicauda) Google it, introduced only on St. Croix. native to Peru. They're noctornal, have one living ha...
Overheating wouldn't be an issue since there is a pressure relief valve... if you did drain it I would be concerned about biological growth within the...
If on STX there is a seamstress shop below the Tatoo palor in the shopping area across the road from Plaza East....I finally getting used to giving is...
Good luck, its the day before an unofficial holiday I'll give your even odds that they are closed for "employee training" or someother excuse.
We brought a newer Honda Civic down to STX, I only enjoy driving it on three roads the "highway", the southshore autobahn, and the northshore road (a...
Mold mitigation could be a huge winner. . I'm curious to know what exactly people believe "mold mitigation" is and why you could create a bu...
Noah- I was wondering about the bees! There are so many of those dried hives along the trail but I didn't see any flying around. I would definitely t...
Will he stick around to take on any other work?
OfficeMax in Sunny Isle
So what, there is no way to get a higher limit for car insurance than the basic? Not at any price? That seems dangerous - I probably wouldn't want to ...
Biggest thing a hawk is going to go after is a rat or pigeon down here (actually saw a hawk nail a pigeon in the backyard out in Cotton Valley), so un...
Tests of the sirens occur every Wed. at 12:15. This morning an evacuation drill was ran without the sirens afterwards the vapor cloud siren (a long s...
6. Computer/laptop. No deals or decent systems are available just overpriced OfficeMax or RadioShack stock. Take advantage of any end of summer sales...
No A/C, Stove and Dryer are on propane, all bulbs are LED or CF, Water heater on timer six hours a day on weekdays, lots of electronic toys. ~$85/mont...
In response to auto insurance... a number of companies only offer the minimum liability, 10/20/10. I wanted a greater amount of coverage since people ...
Starting in January Hovensa on STX is having a major turnaround, bringing down a large number of short-term contractors this may impact the short-term...
hi dntw8up... i meant to give a link to the contact page so people could contact the dept. and ask a question. You suggested someone call a gov...