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Joined: June 18, 2007 12:06 am
Topics: 31 / Replies: 194
Re: Smelly Cistern Water?

Also change the filter, you may have some life growing in it as well.

15 years ago
Re: Smelly Cistern Water?

If you're using 3% Sodium Hypochlorite household bleach, 2mg/liter of chlorine would translate into 2/3 gallon bleach for every 10,000 gallons of wa...

15 years ago
Re: Eyes to the east

aussie, Check out forums.....wunderground is filled with a bunch of college met students with dreams of chasing tornadoes.

15 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1157
Re: I Need A Map! Can Anyone Help Me?

Don't even need to download google earth, you can use google maps and turn on the satellite view.

15 years ago
Re: STX - east end vs west end

I'm within the age group you described but I'd like to suggest that you actively socialize with the older longtime statesiders I find that the 40-50 y...

15 years ago
Re: tax refund checks

It's good advice Mashup, but not all refunded taxes are due to the number of exemptions claimed on W-2. Also, for some people, tax refunds are a ...

15 years ago
Re: A little bumed out...

Winter Forecast EVERY DAY Lows in the 70's Highs in the 80's 30% Chance of Rain Summer Forecast EVERY DAY Lows in the 80's Highs in the 90's 30% ...

15 years ago
Re: tax refund checks

As a reminder a tax refund is essentially money you lent to the government interest free. Take the time to use one of the myriad calculators on the In...

15 years ago
Re: STX DMV - Record Time?

That is quick, I always shoot for the end of the first week or second week of the month for inspections, hardly anyone is there because the people who...

15 years ago
Re: Litter CLEAN-up on STX for Triathlon

Update Met with one of the directors of VIWMA on his lunch break about 20mins ago, pointed out some of the big piles of tires and appliance alon...

15 years ago
Re: Trash

An Update from the previous thread of cleaning up the roads during the Ironman... Met with one of the directors of VIWMA on his lunch break about...

15 years ago
Re: Living on boat

You're going to need an nautical themed pashmina afghan

15 years ago
Re: Litter CLEAN-up on STX for Triathlon

The wife and I decided to clean up a part the road near our house on Saturday, we ended up pulling 55 tires out of the bush amongst other items such a...

15 years ago
Re: conch chowder

Do you mean Stew Conch? Bollo's (sp?) near Golden Rock has it. You may want tocheck Singhs in Christiansted. El Sol has Conch in Butter sauce an...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Re: restaurant / bar industry STX

Chockman...where is your place going to be? Is it the Lobster Reef that is behind Rowdy Joe's?

15 years ago
Re: Vegans in STX?

You can check out For online ordering of farm produce, also I know a number of the farmers can provide additional resources. Also

15 years ago
Re: where to buy beach recliners - STX

Did you check out Kmart West, they usually have more stock.

15 years ago
Re: VI Tax Refunds: "Great Expectations 2010"

Why exactly do people expect to get refunds? Why would you give the government an interest-free loan? On a related note, I overpaid my taxes last...

15 years ago
Re: WAPA outages almost daily

I want to know why the right before the power comes back on it flashes three times, in quick sequence....I swear if my new refrigerator konks out beca...

15 years ago
Re: OK, for the second time in 3 days our cars was broken into!

Buy two large traditional rat traps, Set both on the back seat, Place a single sheet of newspaper over to cover, Place a dollar bill on...

15 years ago
Re: Hello from Alaska and a Seaborne question!

I miss Alaskan summers, spent two of them in a tent a mile from the Matanuska glacier. Low 50s at night around the campfire 80's in the day on the ice...

15 years ago
Re: can dis be true?

I got mine down to $60, 2 people, No A/C, Solar hot water, propane stove and dryer, CFL or LED in every light, timer switches and power strips on ever...

15 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1288
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