Alexandra Marshall
Reputable Member
Joined: May 21, 2005 3:00 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 480
Re: Frederiksted- good location for a restaurant biz?

There is a wonderful restaurant/beach bar about to go on sale in the Frederiksted area. It's already a great place to eat and has amazing sunsets, bu...

20 years ago
Re: St.croix_ White Lady area

Most parts of the island have a mixture of both nice and run down areas within each estate/neighborhood. There are housing projects scattered about t...

20 years ago
Re: Hurricanes

One of the best ways to know if our islands are in the threat zone and it's time to batten down the hatches and lock the hurricane shutters is to watc...

20 years ago
Re: Catharina's Hope (east end b)

It's way out east but in a very nice neighborhood. Plan on driving quite a ways to get to anything. However, on the bright side, you will have ample o...

20 years ago
Re: I'm not panicking....yet

If you need something short-term while finding a permanent residence, try Villa Margarita on the north shore at Salt River. It's fabulous, and the ow...

20 years ago
Re: shipping to STX from states

You can also contact a trucking company where you live and find out if they have any "Less than load" (LTL) trucks heading for Florida. They will cha...

20 years ago

Fort Christian Brew Pub also has: Pale Ale Red Ale Honey Wheat Hefeweisen a dark ale other special flavors seasonally Monday night...

20 years ago
Re: Shopping questions

If you get to move your belongings through military transport, you might also want to explore the PX here on STX when you arrive. It's the very best ...

20 years ago

Deb, What complex did you buy your condo at? If you are on St. Croix, you can call Doug Thompson at 340-277-5040 to get an estimate on new cabinets...

20 years ago

Terry & Annie, Congratulations on the successful closing of your new home! I can't wait to have you both back to take personal possession of the...

20 years ago
Re: Where to stay duing pre-move vistit to STX?? Cheap but nice!

The Best Western is cheap. The Caravelle is nicer. Villa Margarita is a good option if they have one of the smaller units available (their rates soun...

20 years ago
Re: navy?

There are Air Force and Army National Guard forces stationed on STX. There are also recruiting stations for all categories of the military. The Coas...

20 years ago
Re: Schools~~~~Are they worse or better than stateside?

One of my sons just graduated from Good Hope School this past weekend. He did well there and will be going onto college... but if he had gone there h...

20 years ago
Re: Pre-Move visit update

The Motor Vehicle Bureau? If it's the Driver's licensing office that you mean you are looking for, it is not in Orange Grove. It is north of the air...

20 years ago
Re: Dog groomer on STX?

Dr. Hess at Five Corners has a grooming salon that does a great job with the several dogs I have taken to them. They bathe, clip or shave, flea dip, ...

20 years ago
Re: Best cell STX, while on the topic.....

Cingular generally has the better coverage on STX. Now and then after a storm, there may be a few days or a couple weeks when the system is overloade...

20 years ago
Re: weather

Stacy, I moved to STX from Seattle. The rainy days here are nothing at all like rain in Seattle. The weather is still 84 degrees and you still wea...

20 years ago
Re: Local markets - any organic?

Southgate Farms is still open. They are only open certain days and times, however. The sign near their entrance (across from Cheeseburgers in Paradi...

20 years ago
Re: We want to retire on an island!

One very good match for your request list would be Pelican Cove Condominiums on St. Croix.

20 years ago
Re: Sports (and other activities) in the Islands?

Add Golf, SCUBA, Sailing, Snorkeling, Hiking, Swimming teams, Soccer, Volleyball, Marksmanship, biking, etc. in the sports genre. Artistically, dance...

20 years ago
Re: Eye Docs/Pearl on STX

If you actually need to see the ophthalmologist, plan on booking it 2 months in advance, waiting several hours after your appointment time and paying ...

20 years ago
Re: Info on The Reef Condos, Plz

The Reef Condos are located at the far east end of St. Croix. They are within a 9-hole golf course and secure within its gated grounds. The condos a...

20 years ago
Re: Tutu Park Mall

KMart West on St. Croix has been looking for a new assistant manager. They pay pretty well for that kind of position, too, as well as send someone to...

20 years ago
Re: used household items

Hi Terry! I have seen a lot of people set up tables for yard sales in the parking lots of the blown out office building next to First Bank in Ora...

20 years ago
Re: Moving from cali what should I expect?

Start with Marty's list and add a digital camera and a laptop computer... and scuba or snorkel gear if you have it! Oh, and bring about 10 pairs of s...

20 years ago
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