Noble Member
Joined: May 9, 2006 1:12 pm
Topics: 68 / Replies: 1360
Re: best / worst on stx

The best thing? That would be the people, who are warm and friendly and take the time to slow down and enjoy life. It's what many of us came here to...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Tam - a very happy belated birthday to JJ! He has the same birthday as my dad. Very cool.

17 years ago
Re: FORCE 10 Homes???

M&M is still the exclusive contractor for Force-10 homes. They are a very reputable builder. They are not "coated" steel. They have a steel framewo...

17 years ago
Re: Where to buy furniture on STX

there are several furniture stores in the Peter's Rest area and a couple in other locations. Carlos & Sons is one of the largest, Best Furniture is a...

17 years ago
Re: Real Estate Agent Recommendation

ddlvballstx - Jeff is new to STX and to my agency. I didn't think he had a closing yet. Do you have a condo purchase Pending with him right now? If...

17 years ago
Re: Real Estate Agent Recommendation

it clearly depends on the island where you are seeking assistance as it isn't logistically feasible for Realtors to work more than one island. If you...

17 years ago

are you really renting a place that doesn't come furnished? Most properties do. Because of that, there aren't many people who sell used furniture. ...

17 years ago
Re: Moving to STX apt. and or roommates wanted

I can get you in a really nice studio cottage or a 1-BDR condo for $950 per month. The cottage rate includes cistern water and $50 per month towards ...

17 years ago
Re: highest Crimes rates in the Caribbean according to Frommers 2008

Betty commented that she personally knew more business owners and residents here who had been victims of a crime than she did in places she had lived ...

17 years ago
Re: STX Rental Vacancies - 27July2008

Landlords eager to have new tenants NOW. If you are looking for a new place to live, give me a call and we'll see if we can work a deal on a great pr...

17 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1092
Re: Thinking about buying a bar in St. Thomas

ExitZero - you mean like when Joe & Vic found Cane Bay Beach Bar online on eBay and bought it from my husband's ex-wife? That did indeed turn into a ...

17 years ago
Re: moving info

Depending on the type of place you want, you might get lucky and find something around $750 per month or it could run you up to $2500 per month. Ther...

17 years ago
Re: Can anyone explain what a Pueblo store is

Ronnie says: Before the bankruptcy, they were celebration a major anniversary of Pueblos in the VI and a reporter asked the then president, 'how come...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

trw - uhoh, now you've gone and done it! You've come up with a whole new category for discrimination and bigotry! Maybe some people don't poop in th...

17 years ago
Re: Things That have Happened To Me

Trade - now THAT's a thought! Maybe Tam can get hooked up to a WAPA meter and run it backwards with hot flashes and zero out her monthly power consum...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Thanks trw - my stepson has been recoating the brite work the past couple of weeks. I've been off-island a few days to attend my second son's Air For...

17 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

Sanddollar - we live on the Parrothead part time. We also have a house in the west end. That's the best of both worlds as our boat is so often overr...

17 years ago
Re: Thinking of moving to STX...

There are dock workers at the container ports on the south shore and in C'sted harbor. The jobs are likely hard to come by. Hovensa may have jobs al...

17 years ago
1 BDR condo available early August

Large 1-BDR condo available at Carlton Condominiums starting early August. Can be long-term lease at $1K per month plus any utilities not included by...

17 years ago
Re: looking for a sailboat

you can walk up and down the docks at Green Cay Marina. They aren't locked off. The office also usually knows many of the boats that people are look...

17 years ago
Re: Deserves its own thread: Happy Birthday, TRW!

Pretty cool to have Mocko Jumbies show up for your B-day! Hope it's a fun one for you trw!

17 years ago
Re: STX Rentals Available - 10July2008

Frederiksted: 2-BDR. 1-BTH apartment is upstairs unit of house in downtown F'sted. A/C, stove, refrigerator, ceiling fans, security system. Availab...

17 years ago
Re: looking for a sailboat

has he looked at the boats for sale at the marinas? There are always quite a few on the market and even some of the ones without signs might be avail...

17 years ago
Re: STX Activities, Boats etc.

boats of any kind aren't something you find readily available for rent on STX. There are charter companies in STT and the BVI's that rent power boats...

17 years ago
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