poorthang -- You might want to reconsider your apparent policy of posting while high. dntw8up u r a hot mess! :@)
poorthang, you posted Re: shooting today of Tim from Big Kahuna? January 22, 2011 12:42PM Would anyone like to take a guess at the p...
G'day: What is a troll? Can someone explain? Swan here u go swan: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extr...
I can't get through poorthang and redeyesadie's debate, because they present their perspectives unintelligibly. That said, it's not racist to acknowle...
in my mind, poorthang has unintentionally become a troll as far as this thread is concerned.
Today's Daily News has an article explaining it all, and the news isn't the best. 2007 bills will be sent in Februaru, then the 2008 bills will be se...
good idea moving this ramble over to here. hope it does not go much further, but i want to repeat, that evil has no profile.
anita..". it doesn't pay"......??? Really ! Apparently it doesn't pay to be a hard working regular joe either,cause some unemployable punk lookin for...
Would anyone like to take a guess at the profile of the shooter(s).?:-X it doesn't pay to be coy on this board. speak your mind.
Not True! The Tax is being held up by the Courts not the VI Administration. We all know the tax will be due and we should escrow for it. i was ju...
I only date married women. One in particular. 🙂 LOL, awwwww sookie sookie now! *-)
this government has been reneging on negotiated salary increases for decades. finally a couple of years ago, there was a huge conference that was...
in a word, yes. ok, more than a word... if you live where you can walk to most of what you need and public trans, no... but you are bound to...
Congrats to King Kan! I'm a King Generic fan and also loved seeing Llewellen in the running.:D always nice to see him, too... i agree! he is so ...
I am so glad that King Kan shortened his name. :$) oh, he has never shortened his name - editors have though.
Has the 1st homicide happen yet for 2011, wonder what the tally will be for this year ? Justin you are literally "asking" for this. i watched...
some of y'all should sign up for the v.i. alerts from vitema... you get all kinds of advisories, and you can customize the info, as well as method of ...
hi stcmike, station is urban/caribbean fm. but there is a talk show 7-8am that i did hear monday through friday and i am sure the may be more. ...
I'd rather not have the kind of people that watch him here in St. Criox. say, what's the big idea?! i loves me some bill o'reilly. i also w...
... i am a non-smoker and i am glad the government has decided to protect my lungs while i am enjoying a meal. smoking is not only bad for the smoker...
if i'm not mistaken alvin gee is now on da vybe, 107.9 fm wldv, st. croix, st. thomas alvin gee is on facebook - listen live - email him...
Overall, smoking bans tend to have a positive affect on businesses, and are self enforced by the public and business owners. They just take getting us...
well, as someone who has never worked for the government, i must say that this theory could apply in any sector, industry or group. people are gi...
it's not the rate per kw hour that will knock your socks off, it's the leac see this article in the v.i. source: i think it can go as high ...
when the election season kicked into high gear, the vitriol from both sides has had me in stitches. i shall certainly miss it. as we count down ...