Try VIAC $150 per year for the first car, $100 for each additional car. I have not used them personally. i am a member and have bee...
from the legislature's web site: How to Email Senators or Legislative Staff: firstinitiallastname@legvi.org example: rrussell@legvi.org h...
There is a move to ask the senate to name the library for June A Lindqvist who worked hard at the Enid Baa library most of her adult life, rather that...
in case anyone's interested, wednesday the naming of the library will be part of the legislative session. From Calendar: LEGVI CALENDAR ...
From Calendar: LEGVI CALENDAR Title: (STT) LEGISLATIVE SESSION When: 03.23.2011 10:00 - 11:00 Location: St.Thomas, Earl B. Ot...
no, this bill was just voted out of the rules committee, it is still not debated and voted upon.
in order to be more germane to the forum section, i have created a post in the community listing... please visit that thread, weigh in, and if so move...
i think we need to ask ourselves what we consider a library to be. please visit the friends of st. thomas public libraries web site (disclaimer, ...
FYI....modern day libraries do provide FREE INTERNET ACCESS! And to just say...."well I'm sure businesses and residents in the USVI trash many co...
i'm with nannerz, pueblo in havensight area, actually "long bay"! and for specialty items the gourmet gallery in havensight mall itself. it's in th...
no offense to 'em, and i understand that you are only relating your own experience here, but i found that many times, it's best to back up when that l...
try electronics unlimited on the rhymer highway... Electronics Unlimited Inc 4011 New Herrnhut 11b 11 B St Thomas, VI 00802 Phone: ...
noone, that is hilarious, and i can think of no one better than steve harvey to be hosting at that moment, feeling as he does about the godless. ...
i would not be surprised if every criminal within 100 miles of you likewise finds a way to your side... :@)
As I was driving the other day I picked up a brotha carrying two bags,...looked liked he needed a ride .... I took him home and after he thanked me h...
i think that on the internet people forget that they are working with people. it's like walking into a room and meeting a lot of different person...
@terry, if you like that you might like "the wind done gone" by alice randall i just finished "at home: a short history of private life" by bill...
poorthang: Though dntw8up may find it unintelligible, I cannot help but respond to your latest post. I suspect you view yourself as a "good guy" tryin...
16 yr old black kid ...... runaway found murdered ..... and nobody knows nothin...... AGAIN !!!! sooo sooo sad...when you gonna stand up c...
checked this one at snopes.com, it is true that it's being considered in kentucky - also missouri considering. but does not pass court muster whe...
All murders are tragic so to seperate them into black and white is missing the point of the ridulously high murder rate. If you are black or white or ...
a friend of mine was there and shared pics! so wonderful!!!
In doing some research about the VI's I found these crime stats that make me what to think about a different place to move. I mean seriously there has...