i'd like to think they (mayans) did not do any more on the calendar because they were too busy being decimated. but that's just me. ...
I just finished reading a few great books over the fall and winter: the trouble with islam today by irshad manji allah, liberty and love by irsh...
i'd like to think they (mayans) did not do any more on the calendar because they were too busy being decimated. but that's just me.
hi all... i came across this thread in a google search for info on the vi inspector general audit...! imagine that. thank you all for contributi...
i will assume that this item is about caribbean people of color within the service industry so that some of what i say makes sense... i find that...
(stx today,comments)
i am very sad to hear this... he is one of my facebook friends and i have not seen anything in quite some time from him. i loved his online diari...
i assume you checked with your property manager??? - many times they either retain (or suggest) the services of a baby gear rental service, or will re...
that's a wonderful essay and it pretty much puts into a capsule if not in actual events, in sentiment why many of us choose to stay after a "visit" th...
Anita - how about this one... Q. Whats white and sleeps two? A. An Innovative service van. (please don't loose your sense of humor) ...
LOL @ paula! when i lived stateside, i always wondered why as soon as you saw a walgreen's, you'd find a cvs across the street soon after!
What's yellow and sleeps 5???? A WAPA truck 😀 forgive my cross-posting, just following this bugger around to speak my piece... this is...
What's yellow and sleeps five ? A WAPA truck. this is the joke that i first heard following the workers' efforts to restore power after a st...
Okay, so anyone can pick whatever definition they want to justify thier use. Defining BLOG now seems like defining a color. Everyone can be right...
/blockquote> a lot of people refer to participating in a forum as blogging, but please note this segment in the wikipedia entry grabbed by your s...
They should just take payment over the phone with a CC at time of order, and not involve the drivers with any cash. pita express does take your c...
LOL, one small diet pepsi coming up! *-) I guess i am just tired of the "snark" factor on forums...the most irritating example being the corr...
pita express delivers (they vacation in the summer) but go to their web site to sign up for alerts of daily menus and specials
luv me some vinow.com! i tend to lurk a lot, and contribute where i can... but every once in a while there is a thread that starts innocently eno...
* popping popcorn *
call ahead for hot roti, it's joanne cooksey 340-998-8939.
we usually call her on the cell phone, so when i get to work i will post for you.
i am one of the lucky ones, there is a lady who delivers roti on st. thomas... so we enjoy them at work, often. i have never had a roti made with...
2 bex 2 b 4gotten...
love the nick! viking corporation worked for me. great service, reliable and on time. members of the usvi hotel and tourism association, th...