Sooooo NSFW, but hilarious!!!
Probably the nicest book store on island is Undercover Books & Gifts in the Gallows Bay area. By nice I mean new books as well as some used books. T...
please forgive my cross posting, this is also in the visitor forum. if you wish to change this get involved. don't break the law. the governor i...
here is my speed test...
the actual url i found in fb wasin case anyone has trouble pulling the page.. thanks!
A Davis: Checked out the modem. Swapped with another. No problem with my modem. My modem puts out - Can u hear me -messages correctly, it is just the ...
I hear all the commercials on th radio for St Croix.com about how we all need to band togetrher in these hard times for our island. What is the tour...
old tart, like i said, everyone's mileage may vary when it comes to trying to get internet. lots of factors! jayahari, looks like not enough info...
good morning old tart! in the interest of full disclosure, i am a choice customer. i have not always been happy with the service - but let m...
Nice post! +1 and Anita 'best to ya" I love it. Steve wow, thanks steve! :@)
Okay. Well I can't get on the vacation board and I don't like tripadvisor, so may I be excused?*-) Yelp?? Is that like yelling for help??:P ...
how wonderful to share this, and big kudos to patricia for providing such great customer service!
Review where?? either on the vacation board at vinow.com or on any other review site, such as tripadvisor, yelp, etc. people will google for stu...
i am not anti-religious, but i will often announce myself as an atheist to "explain" myself to those who do not understand how a nice girl like me doe...
thanks to all who participated, or supported from afar! Read Across America 2012 at Dockside Bookshop - Fantabulous!
thanks for reviving the petition bombi! unfortunately, not many people did sign it. but i am glad i put it up there, so that anyone who is inter...
the bvi first enacted the ban on smoking, within 50 feet of any public area a few years ago, and i was glad to see the smoking ban go through in the u...
check this out: Bill 29-0214 - To reform procurement processes of the VI Legislature contact your favorite senator and check on its progress... ...
Thanks to her post I was able to contact her for a school project. She did not intend to be "deceptive". Since you disapprove of her promoting her bus...
well, the person asked, and she answered. she'd certainly be in a position to know. this is why media outlets and others announce affiliations, ...
I'm remembering that it was only the good students who were allowed to do this to earn extra money and it was considered a privilege of sorts. Se...
i like to tip if the bagger brings my stuff out, starting with $1, at a dollar per bag. that could go up, depends on the person and how well i feel t...
The Spanish were just the last nail in the coffin for the Mayans. (Their numbers were not high like in previous years/decades) There were many other...
ADavis, i too read the last two books on your list and thought they were great. also read Unbroken about a prisoner of war, which was great ...