maybe they are trying to divert our attention from this. H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It ...
For those who might be interested, there's an excellent article about how the flu virus transmits in cold dry climates vs. warm tropical climates on J...
I see NO reason whatsoever for the mass hysteria and even the CDC is contributing now (multiple press conferences per day in the absence of DATA showi...
i think that with air travel (people confined to closed spaces like airports and planes) and cruise ships, we are no safer than anyplace else. th...
i've used viking corporation (st. thomas) to move here from atlanta, they did not break a single glass.
Sorry I can't help you with another fax number but for the number you have, I imagine the fax machine spews pages directly into a trash can, and a min...
i'm starting to have second thoughts about our governor,what has he done since taking office and what has he not done that needs doing? hey trw.....
we had great rain most of the afternoon on st. thomas... at least in the town, north side and west... a little post-carnival rinse!
which island are you on?
while all of this is going on the other cat is fighting me for the bbq chips i'm eating so i just give up and pour out a pile for her to eat,she's hap...
Most are from the continental US, which is, of course, an infected country. exactly. let us keep our heads.
i'll refer you to another thread as well:
i'm glad you mention this speee1dy, i think that people should take the same precautions that they do during flu season. tens of thousands die i...
dun, i don't agree. i think that infected computers should be kept off the internet (and any network, including home or office) until no longer in th...
dun, with all respect due, if she is infected she really should not be on the internet. best to have someone else download and put on a cd or stick f...
dntw8tup i got a copy of that from someone today. i like to be aware, so i did read it. i try my best to not look "down" too much because i like to ...
i've been sending folk over to micromax in sub base across from the dept. of licensing and consumer affairs.
so glad you got your cutie back! nothing worse than a member of the family missing...
...the landlord flat out told them that there money was gone and they would have to get it from there former roomates, who had nothing to do with the ...
Why does everyone assume the worst? It's probably a simple post looking for golf partners! LOL!!! 😀 no matter what, if that's what he... are correct..he was not flamed in the sense of the word, however the treatment his question got would deter people from asking questions...
my philosophy is, when you give someone something for nothing... that's what they think it's worth. nothing. even on the dole, folks should do s...
*one clean female* LOL!!! 😛
I watch a couple of sugar birds find their way into the house . . . silly birds. Have a blessed, beautiful day! that's cute about the sugar ...
I see Petersen has a classified ad in the Avis: If you want a copy of The Proposed VI Constitution by Delegate Dr. Eugene Petersen, call 690-0617, epe...