yes, there will be plenty of cabs. please note that taxicab rates are government regulated. you pay much more if you ask for a private taxi to t...
it's odd, because i know i've read that it's not necessary to tip the owner, but if the owner does my locks, i do tip her because of the service. it'...
wow, that is fabulous.
st croix source posted pics!
his facebook page allows you to follow what he's doing, because he is now in california with the program again. "Saturday morning in southern Cal...
stcmike, i have no idea what you are talking about. i can observe objectively and watch this play out, it is my right.
the press will always say "alleged" or "charged with" or state the stage of the process such as "indicted" until a crime has been proven in order to s...
(Ms Information) I have always respected your opinion. You seem to be defending the senator. Can you explain why ,and what connection you have to th...
well, at this point we have an allegation. even reference to his conduct before this incident is innuendo unless someone is willing to speak up and s...
I have never had any difficulty being helped by anyone while shopping. That comes up a lot, and I don't know if it's just that I haven't run into the ...
good advice from everyone regarding damaged hard drive. best get everything from my documents, email and address book, and favorites folders asap jus...
yes, that is her daughter. she handles a lot of corporate matters, and the young 'uns now handle that part of the biz.
if u want spa services on location or delivered, also see knots away/spa 2 go:
Call Jodi-Ann at "I'll Do it For You" Office: 340-775-0635 Cell: 340-998-4774 She's very professional and I can't say enough good things about...
just the other day i was thinking, that i hope nothing has befallen her, all this time with no word. it's disturbing.
my faves were the e-trade milkaholic spot, the snickers betty white/abe vigoda spot, and the wonderfully heartwarming google ad, which showed how life...
my favorite spots were the "milk-a-wah?" e-trade commercial, and the snickers spot with betty white and abe vigoda!
most of the hotels and resorts are on the east end, and so is sapphire so you may be able to avoid commuting into downtown... there is a great pr...
in the islands, you get what works. due to old infrastructure, congestion, lack of facilities and the lay of the land... or even inside wiring issues...
wow, i learned a lot from this thread, thanks to all the experts who weighed in!... and to the original poster.
i am using linksys @ home (w/choice vi) - i feel that i can recommend it. i set up someone else's home network (broadband vi) using linksys, replacing...
the history and culture of this place is based upon people loving each other without consideration for skin color. like stxem, i recognize that there...
the history and culture of this place is based upon people loving each other without consideration for skin color. like stxem, i recognize that there...
check out tickles dockside pub at crown bay... they put up help wanted signs from time to time. i don't recall seeing one lately but it does not hurt...
congratulations to you, your daughter and family. so nice to see a fresh new life in the world. it gives us all another chance.